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I woke up, to my brother jumping around on my bed. Oh tell me why he's my twin brother I checked the time and it's exactly six, school starts at twelve so I smacked him using my pillow making him fall on the carpet floor. "It's 6am in the morning what's your deal?!" I said to him raising my voice. Thanks to you, I couldn't enjoy my last beauty sleep since it's the first day of school ugh
"I'm hungry. Can we please go to pancake house?" He pleaded while bending on his knees
"They're not open yet. I'll just cook something." I yawned, while rubbing my eyes.
"That'll do. Thanks!" He said trying to act cute again as he ran downstairs Seriously how am I twins with a 5 year old?
I sighed as I got up the bed and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

While I was in the kitchen cooking, Jinyoung was blabbering about how he doesn't want to go to LA for college. Which I do agree though, I still want to stay here in Korea with my friends. Who knows? I might get a basketball scholarship in Heart of Seoul University.

(a/n: I just thought of this name at the time so don't @ me if there isn't really a college/school called Heart of Seoul University)

Our heads turned to the window of the kitchen door when we heard the doorbell rang. "I'll get it. Guard this for me." I told Jinyoung while pointing at the pan, he slowly nodded
I looked through the peephole and saw Minhyun holding a plastic bag, and Jaehwan with his guitar. I opened the door and they greeted me with their smiles. But suddenly their eyes widened at me. I just realized... I'm not wearing my beanie. Oh. My. Gawd. My eyes widened too as I put my hands on my head in shock.
"Should I take a picture?" Jaehwan leaned over to Minhyun who's jaw was wide open. "No!" I snapped as I laid a finger in front of his face making him flinch
"Why do you hide it anyway? It looks soft, it would make you seem more feminine." Said Minhyun with his eyes still focused on my hair Well, too late for hiding
Well the reason I don't really like showing off my hair because, I'd rather have short hair. But mom won't let me cut it, tss. "You didn't come here to stare at my hair right?" I glared at them. They shook their heads quickly in fear and followed me inside. "Have you guys eaten yet?" I asked them "Uhhh no" they replied in sync. I nodded and said "Sit down then! You're just in time for breakfast." Then I came to the kitchen and see the pancakes already prepared. "Jinyoung, bring these to the dinning table. Minhyun and Jaehwan will be eating with us." You ordered him. His face suddenly lit up and turned red as if he was holding in his laughter What's wrong with this guy? "What now?" I groaned, giving him a death stare. He pointed at my hair and stuttered as he spoke "Th-they saw it d-didnt they?" He still tried to hold in his laughter. I nodded, annoyed by his amusement towards me. "Whatever. Let's eat, you're hungry right?" I patted him on the back as we walked out of the kitchen


It was already 10:30 so Jinyoung and I decided to get ready for school. Since Minhyun and Jaehwan were already in their uniforms they just stayed downstairs so we could walk to school together. It isn't that far, it would take at least twenty minutes to walk there. I didn't like the sophomore's uniform. It's skirt is above the knee, we have to wear knee-high socks, and the polo is fitted. I wonder who's the pervert that designed these.

(a/n: I don't mean to offend any schools who have this kind of uniform. This is all just fictional and the choice of words are from the character only.)

But of course, that doesn't stop me from putting my hair into a bun and covering it with my beanie. I grabbed my backpack as the four of us walked down the street till we reached school. While wandering the halls I came across a familiar face. Isn't he that guy named Daehwi? He Studies here? But I just shrugged it off when I saw the guys by the school lobby. Jinyoung went ahead of me cause I was checking out an audition advertisement for the school fair. After looking at it I went over to the guys, but all their eyes suddenly landed on me. What in the world guys, I'm sure I'm wearing my beanie so what's your problem but I noticed that Jihoon suddenly licked his lips, that was weird Jihoon then I remembered oh, the uniform. Such perverts "Hey, quit staring and let's get going!" I said raising my left hand as if I was going to spank them. They all turned their heads away and started walking to class. Since I'm in the same class as Jinyoung and Guanlin, we walked the same direction as the others went to their own classrooms.

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