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I immediately sprung out of bed as that thought came into my mind. "It's tonight!" I mumbled to myself while pacing around the room. "You're overreacting." I flinched when I saw my brother leaning by the door. Geez does he kn ow how to knock? "This is your second school dance! You've done this before and you were just fine." He said chuckling "Yeah but there wasn't a Daehwi before too!" I was supposed to whisper it only for myself to hear, but turns out Jinyoung heard that too. He holds me by the shoulder "Inhale, exhale." This is stupid I push him as I run to the bathroom.

"You can get over this." I tell myself in the mirror with my hands on both sides of the sink. "I mean I can really, but I'm just being a wimp right now." I shook my head as I ruffle my fingers in my hair Why is having a crush so hard? I don't like it anymore but I still like him I turned to my phone that's buzzing. I received a message from Jinyoung "The Junho I know, was the toughest woman who could ever be :) this'll make me sound overreacting too but you need this." I smiled at the screen. I heard a knock on the door "So, can you come out now? You still need to be prettied up." I opened the door, smiled through a sigh and nodded at him.

I took a shower and got dressed into my jeans and shirt, Jinyoung too. We were holding our outfits for tonight that were covered in plastic. "Bro, we don't have baskets on our bikes to bring these." I narrowed my eyes at him "We don't need to." He grinned then pointed out the door. My smile spreaded across my face as I saw Kyulkyung waving by her car. Jinyoung was blushing Obviously he's had the biggest crush on her since we were little "Noona!" I ran to her and gave her a big hug. "Aish, you still call me Noona? You're a girl Junho, you should be calling me eonni." She laughed Gahhh why do I have such a beautiful bff?! "Hi Jinyoung!" She waved at him with a big smile but Jinyoung just nodded, acting cold and all. "Well, we should get going! Haknyeon's waiting in the car." Ohhhh right she's dating Haknyeon, sorry brother... BUT I SHIP IT "Haknyeon hyung is here too?! Yes!" I said skipping into the car.

When we got to the mall we decided to separate. Haknyeon hyung goes with Jinyoung, I go with Kyulkyung noona. We both started squealing once the boys left Idk why I did too though "Have you already chosen what sort of makeup look you're going for?" She asked while clinging on my arm "Yup! So, how's the University? We all miss you and Haknyeon hyung so much." Mostly Jinyoung Kyulkyung noona and Haknyeon hyunh used to study in the same school with the squad. Actually, Kyulkyung was the only girl-friend I had ever since I was five. Jinyoung has been worshipping the ground she walks on the day he was born Not literally but you get my point then Kyulkyung's dad had to transfer his work to busan so he took noona with him. Of course her boyfriend, Haknyeon hyung didn't want to be separated with her so he came along. Jinyoung was sad, but not depressed. But surely he still likes her until now. "I have my peers there, sure we're close but nothing tops you." She says pinching my nose "But hey, I don't want to talk about me okay? Tell me something about you now, got a crush yet? Or are you really ga-" "Noona!! I'm not gay~" I said scratching the back of my head. She gasps and puts her hand over her mouth with her eyes widened "So you do have a crush!" She exclaimed hitting me on the shoulder "Spill it. Now." She pulls me to the salon and places me on the chair there. While the lady was already doing her makeup magic she asked again "So?? Who's this lucky guy?" She sat on a chair beside me, resting her chin on her hand. "His name is Daehwi, Lee Daehwi." I said shyly "Tell me about him." A wide grin was plastered on her face. "He's cute, he likes liptint, he works by Moonbok's cafe, he sits next to me in class. He actually came here from LA." Just talking about Daehwi already makes my heart thump Why is he doing this to me? "He sounds like the perfect guy for you, Junho." She winked "I just don't know if he's gay." I whispered to her. She stands up from her chair "What?! Then you certainly must find out tonight!" She squeals, pointing at me "Don't worry, Jinyoung said he would help. He did pay for everything." I brushed my blonde hair behind my ear "No doubt he would do that for you, still plain old Jinyoung indeed." She said, smiling Wait it looks like she's blushing too? Nah

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