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It is a colour.

Sometimes it’s more than just a colour. Sometimes it’s a feeling. Blue is Peace. Blue is Serenity. Blue is Moody.

Currently, it is the colour that is occupying my vessel.

Forgive me, where are my manners? I am Evalina of Oak, Warrior Princess to the Oak Army, General of the Gander Fleet, Daughter of the Imperial King Ender and the Wise Queen Savina, Heir to the Royal Crown and the last blood descendant of Elumi the Scorcher. I have been named a great General and a worthy Princess for any army to do battle for. I do not know about that. I have been waging war with the Langards since I was able to wield a sword and a shield. I have climbed the highest mountains in this world, walked in the hottest deserts and stood in the coldest of winters with nothing but my blade for solace. My being the General of the Gander Fleet is not by mere chance and anyone who insinuates it loses a part of their anatomy.

But I don’t talk about that much. So you can call me Eva.

Anyway, let us return back to the main agenda here.

I am Blue.

I have never been Blue in my entire life. Blue is not a colour that a warrior can say they identify with. The colour that I have seen and known for over twenty years of my existence now is the colour Red.

Red is not just a colour as well. It is synonymous with many things on a battlefield. Red is Passion. Red is Rage. Red is Blood. But the most important thing that makes Red commonplace to a warrior is that Red is Danger. I cannot count the number of times I have seen Red, both literally and figuratively, in the war with the Langards. I depend on Red to enable me be a warrior through and through.

You can imagine the predicament I have now that I am currently Blue.

My Queen was once a warrior such as myself, so it was only prudent that I discuss this matter with her. After all, she is Purple. Purple is Wisdom. Purple is Magic. Purple is Royalty. But above all else, Purple is Vision. My Queen shared the insight that she had once been Yellow with me. She had enough enthusiasm in her being for this to be true. Yellow is Warm. Yellow is Joy. My Queen tells me that she, however, had to abandon the colour. As Queen of Oak, she had no time to be anything less than brave. Yellow was not among the colours for bravery.

I have always known that My King is Black. Nothing more can be said for this. He came from a long line of Kings who were all Black. Black is Sophisticated. Black is Mystery. But above all, Black is Power, a perfect description for the King.

I feel as if I can attribute these colours to my being. I had once felt a strong desire for a man in our realm when I was in my teenage years. He was definitely White. White is Hope. White is Purity. But most importantly, White is Light, and that was what he was to me. My love for him superseded any want or need I had ever had in my vessel. My Queen spoke of it to be something called Pink. Pink is Romance. Pink is Beauty, and by the gods above the man was more beautiful than any other.

But I was still a Red. There was no room for romance in the danger that is Red.

But the questions still remain in my head. Why am I Blue now? Should I not remain Red and be of better service to my people?

My Queen seems to differ with me. She speaks of every color being of service to the Throne.

If we did not have Pink, who would be our love?

If we did not have White, who would be our light?

If we did not have Black, who would be our power?

If we did not have Yellow, who would be our joy?

If we did not have Purple, who would be our wisdom?

If we did not have Red, who would be our passion?

She is a wise woman and I am lucky to have known this while she was still with me.

Now I stand with my army at the front lines of the war. We have fought with the Langards for eons and eons of time. Sworn enemies, that was the description for our people and theirs. But I know that I am the only one who can end this lineage of carnage.

I was born from Yellow that decided to be Purple and Black that protected our people since its conception.

My love was a blend of Pink and White that lasted in me till now.

I have thrived as both Princess and General by being Red.

I am the only one capable of stopping this war. I am the only one who has ever been every color in the realm. I have serenity and peace.

I am Blue.

A/N: Thank you for reading Colours. Leave a comment on what your Thoughts are on the matter and add a little colour to your life. 🙌✌

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