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I have a hero in my life.

It isn't Superman.

Not Iron man either.... Although he's not a pretty bad option.

No, my hero is my wife and the mother to our three daughters, Rose, Abigail and Crystal.

I don't know where I'd be without her in my life honestly. She just completes me. The better half of my life. She makes me laugh, nourishes my life with sarcasm, and when she's feeling extremely romantic, she lets me lay my head on her lap.

But she was rarely home when the kids were growing up. That's the real reason why I'm saying she's my hero.

Kim is in the army. Captain Kimberly West, to you.

My wife doesn't look anything like a soldier though. I always tell her she should have been a model. Her long lean body, which I have taken years to explore, is evidence to this. She even has the face for glossed pictures in magazines. A face I have taken inspiration to with my work only about a million and one times.

I am a writer, by the way. And, according to the Writing Critics of this world, apparently a good one. I have written collections that have inspired works of art on the silver screen. I didn't like the movies though. Thought they did not do justice to the story. Me and thirteen million people around the world agreed to that.

But our life was crazy before now. It might take me a while to explain it but I shall do my best. I am a writer after all.

Our marriage was sort of frowned upon by the Hollywood world. The Famous Edwards West, writer of 'Pain', 'The Driving Man', 'Colours', 'The Fourth Prime', 'Silence' and other great works was getting married to a war dog from only God knew where. The media being the media, dug deep enough to find out that Kimberly already had Rose and Abigail before we were wed.

The rumors were insane. Many claimed the same thing though. The writer was only marrying the girl because he was responsible for the children born out of wedlock. It was so bad that Kim asked if we really should go through with the wedding a fornight before it.

I didn't care what anyone had to say about it. No one knew Kim like I did. She was the only woman I loved before the kids came.

I remember the first time we met was in third grade. She was punching my teeth in because I had said Superman was better than Wonder Woman. I didn't recind my statement, which meant every time we met, I got a beatdown. But it was an even exchange. It was in those many moments of excrutiating pain that I got to actually speak to Kim.

Now, being a writer means I appreciate beauty more in the written format. This implies that I will be moved with words eloquently placed together to define emotions better than people enacting then on stage. But with Kim, it was different. She was beauty that I needed to view. I was addicted to her very essence. She was the first and only thing to move me aside from literature.

But we had different plans in life. I had a duty to the story, and she had an obligation to teenage life and its wildness. She did not see this as an ideal mix so she just plunged into her life and moved further and further away from mine. That's how Rose came about. She was almost eighteen years and at the height of life itself...

It was one wrong decision that saw her entire life come to a stand still. Her parents had already put her down for Ivy League collages. With her brains, she was set to be a doctor. But now she had life in her and they didn't see its necessity. They wanted their daughter to end this life so that she could go and study on how to save millions more.

I remember that night. I was writing the first chapter of 'Pain' when she knocked on my door, cold and wet. She said she didn't have anywhere else to go. None of her friends were picking up. I was her last result for a warm place to ease the pain in her life.

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