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Probably the most important part of one’s interaction with society is finding a way to make friends. They provide the basic necessities for one to relate with people not of any blood or marital relation. Just the mere fact that you can care for a random stranger that you have spent hours on end learning their traits and characteristics is proof enough why friends are important in one’s life. They usually shape you to be the best version of yourself.

That being said, I have some very crazy friends.

I mean seriously insane friends.

You don’t believe me. Alright. I will prove it.

I have made about a million friends in my life, but the four I have advocated several times should be clinically diagnosed to be mental are my very best friends. They have been in my life… since I was nine, I think… yeah, since I was nine years old. Here is the line up for the Asylum Assembly… hehe, I came up with that name.

Anyway… We have Crystal, aka the I-Will-Always-Love-Celebrity-Life girl. Like seriously, Cee is obsessed with posh life. You should hear her going on about how she will be the next Rihanna of our generation. I can’t deny that she has the looks to pull of being famous. The voice is another debate I stay out off when the others gang up on her. But Crystal is the best person you can ever have in a fight. Yeah, you heard me right. She once slapped a boy in our class so hard he blacked out. Her reason? The douche called me lame. I love Cee to the moon and back.

Next is Carla, or better known as Cyborg Carla. She was the last to join the group and she only did because Crystal hanged with us alot. Carla rarely shows emotions. I mean, she never laughs even at Jasmine’s jokes. We’ll get to her later. But Carla is actually a freak once she starts to talk. She never got any attention because she was tall for a nine year old girl. Correction; she was tall for a nine year old, period. She’s was kind of a loner until that day in school when she and Crystal fought. I have never understood what happened, but after that day, Crystal and Carla have been inseparable. I don’t see any rational reason for the existence of their relationship. Then again, I’m friends with Jasmine so who am I to judge.

Yes, let me tell you about Jasmine now. The Nut Case.

I am not being mean. She calls herself that too. She is the complete opposite of me. I love red, she adores blue. I like rock music, her heart moves for Hip hop. I’m blonde with long hair, she’s a brunette with short spiky hair. The list is endless. But we were friends the very first moment we met because of the one and only thing we have in common. Sarcasm. Jasmine is never serious. You should hear us when we get into stride ridiculing Cyborg Carla. It usually ends up with both of us having a sore temple but always worth it when we produce someone the best comedy in history. Jasmine’s also kind of a tomboy. She detests girly stuff, which is truly a shame because Kim said she looked breathtaking in her prom dress when they went shopping the other day.

And finally we have the Nerd and my most beloved human being ever to live, Kimberly. She calls me her Grasshopper. No idea why, but I bet it has something to do with the way my face goes all red and I string all the unprintable words I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Kim wore these adorable spectacles that just invited witty comments from me and Jasmine. But honestly, Kim is my life. She knows me so well that sometimes I wonder if she is reading my mind. I remember when my grandma passed away. The rest of the gang was cry and telling me to stay strong.

Not Kim. She never spoke to me not once the entire week to the burial. In fact, I would have taken her luck for concern as complete neglect were it not for the fact that she would hug me close whenever I was fresh from sobbing in the restroom.

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