The Last Dream

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One of life's greatest mysteries. The ability of one's mind to vividly create images and ideas that convey a particular emotion involuntarily. It is living proof of the presence of creativity in the world from any human being. An average person can have up to five different dreams per night.

I must be abnormal then because I only have one dream when I sleep.

And I've been having it for four years since I was four years old.

I know... Freaky. But I'm telling you the truth.

In my dream, a total of three things always happen. The first is when I become aware that I have started dreaming. The second is the comtinous noise that follows it. After that, there is always a banging sound then silence prevails until I wake up.

It is the most boring dream ever.

I spoke to my mother concerning it about three years after the first one started. She wasn't of much help on the matter but I wasn't really expecting much from her. My mother rarely slept at all. I knew this because Grandma would always nag her about it when she came over to see her. She would know nothing about dreams.

So I had assumed that Grandma would know all about dreams. Why else would she advocate for my mother to sleep every once in a while?

That was the first and last time I talked to Grandma about my dream. She ended up having a bad argument with her daughter and I've never seen her since. She must have really hated the fact that my mother doesn't sleep at all.

At school, I brought about the topic with my three friends to hear their thoughts on the situation. They were seven years old and I knew I could trust their judgment.

Kelly spoke of them being the mechanism of her brain ensuring she remembers "Princess Keri and The Dancing Squad". I saw some truth to this because there was no cartoon show that Kelly didn't know.

Jason was very ready to agree with her . He added that his dreams were also the pure epitome of what it meant to love something. That also carried weight in the fact that Jason had memorized the entire map of his favourite game "Need for Speed".

Aria's answer was borrowed from her older sister, Kimberly. According to her, dreams were a mere blueprint of life's activities that were transending the barrier of sleep during that given moment. To dumb it down for us, Kimberly had told Aria that dreams were how we saw real life while sleeping.

We all agreed that Aria's sister was crazy and went with Kelly's explanation.

But even with this information, I found no comfort in having the same dream every time I tell asleep. The monotony of it was so annoying. I was beginning to think I lacked creativity when I found the perfect soultion from my trusted friends.

Jason, trying to annoy Kelly, had switched the television to a different channel when "Princess Keri and The Dancing Squad" was on. It got me thinking that if trully dreams where means for memory storage, then I could control what was stored.

It was a fool proof plan.

I decided to test my plan out the same night my idea came.

As always, I grew aware I was dream almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. But I was ready. I was armed with the days events as material for storage.

I knew it was working when I got a glimpse of my bedroom. But it was short lived when I heard the familar noise echoing in the background. My old dream was trying to surface and chock my creativity. I couldn't allow it. I was going to fight it with every ounce of creativity in my seven year old brain.

But that's when I noticed something.

I knew that noise in the background.

All this concentrating in my head must have made the noise come into focus. I realized that the sound was coming from a person... And not just one person.

It was an argument and for all that was green in the back yard, I had no idea what it was about. There was the mention of the words "money" and "drunk" quite often. I forgot all the previous plans of supressing this dream as curiosity sipped into me. I wanted to know what the argument was about. I found myself next to a wall and the conversations were clear now, but many words I did not understand.

I picked up on a few normal ones. The ocassional hard word I also knew. But the rest all sounded like garbage to me. It seemed my dream was nothing at all exciting even with creativity poured into the mix. I was beginning to lose focus and I attributed this to me losing focus on the dream.

I was probably about to wake up.

I was about to turn from the noise when I heard my name spoken. I couldn't tell where it came from but I knew I heard it. The next thing I knew I was at least two feet in the air and moving at a steady pace.

This wasn't part of the dream.

I confirmed it when I heard the banging sound, but still the noise continued. It sounded so familiar this noise. It kept calling my name.

I then remembered what Aria's sister had said.

"Dreams were blueprints of how we saw life."

The voice calling to me was beautiful. I had never heard of anything like it. But it was sad.


Like its reason for joy was leaving.

I didn't understand my dream now. Nothing was making sense to me. I was now moving. It was too fast for me to consider that I was walking. Maybe I was in one of Jason's dreams of  "Need for Speed".

Yes. That had to be it. Some creativity had already sipped into my original dream after all.

But wait a minute... The noise... The noise was gone.

I didn't know why, but I was scared. I was completely terrified that I couldn't hear that noise. It was so terrifying that I felt as if I were suffocating. Somehow the deprivation of that beautiful noise was similar to lacking air in my lungs. Darkness was sipping into me like waterfall; cool and fast. I was drowing in my dispair and I didn't know what to do as I felt an aching pain in my chest and darkness closing in on me.

I knew I was about to wake up now. I could already smell mother's cooking coming from the kitchen. I could hear the chirping of birds from the nearby tree outside my window. I felt the warm hands gently stroke my hair and I smiled to myself. Mother hasn't done this ever since we moved out of Father's house. I couldn't open my eyes for some strange reason, but that didn't matter.

There was no way I was ever letting this dream end.

A/N: Thank You for reading "The Last Dream". If you are a bit lost on this, let me explain😊.

The child has been thinking he's having the same dream when in fact, he's been sleep walking.

He's mother has been hiding him from his father, who keeps coming over, drunk, to take him. The reason the child doesn't see his grandmother anymore is she's fed up with her daughter being abused and doing nothing about it.

The new dream is the result of the child sleep walking all the way downstairs and his father taking him away. They end up in an accident and now the child is drowing in a river, subconsciously remembering the good times with his mother and mistaking it as part of his new dream.

Well... That's about it. Let me know what you think about it🙌.

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