Chapter 3 : Present

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A/N: Ahahaha. Yeah this took a while. Warning, in this chapter there gonna be a pairing.

The screen lit up. They were greeted with a long winding forest shot panning in to show two characters walking on a dirt path. (Btw, fake movie)


And so it ended with the main character Maxwell was finally home free.

The lights were back on and the credits rolled. Ye Xiu and Su mucheng stood up to stretch, hearing their joints pop. They proceeded to exit the cinema, disposing their garbage in the trash can.

"That was so good! I hope they release a sequel!." Su Mucheng squealed.

Ye Xiu still stretching as they walk replies.

"En. It was a good watch but I feel like XXXX could have done some more. His character should have been more developed."

"XXXX was fine! He was comedic when the tension was high and optimistic. Plus, he was just fun to watch interact with the other characters!"

"Yes however, if they had just flushed out his character, then XXX could have figured out what happened to XXXXXX before the servant XX had hid away the evidence!"

"Only if X was there to distract XXX. If he had met up with XXXXX instead then XXX would have found out!"

They both start rambling on and on about the plot.

Engrossed in their conversation, they both didn't pay attention to where they were walking, resulting in a them bumping into two people.

"Ooof." The strangers fell on the hard concrete of the floor.

Ye Xiu lent out a hand, helping them up while Su Mucheng bowed and apologised for not paying attention to their surroundings.

"Hey, wait a minute... That voice sounds familiar."

They looked up.

"Old Ye, you bastard! WHY ARE YOU HERE?! YE XIU! YE XIU! YE XIU! Where have you been?! You disappeared! Why are you here?! Are you going to be at the event?!"

"Shaotian, shut up."

"Yes captain..." Shaotian sulked.

Turns out, the two they had bumped into were Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou.

"So, what brings you to City S?" Su Mucheng asked.

"Ah, we got invited for the new event and are staying at a hotel booked by the Alliance." Yu Wenzhou said calmly.

"So how have you been? Haven't heard from you in a month?"

"Yeah! Ye Xiu! Explain yourself!"

"Well, I've been doing fine actually. As for Shaotian's questions, hmm... You'll get your answer at the event."

"Old Ye! Just tell us! What are you planning, you have an evil smile on your face!"

Su Mucheng burst into a fit of laughter.

"Like I said, you'll get your answer at the event. Come on, Mucheng. Let's go."

"Hey! Get back here and give me an answer! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"It was nice bumping into you guys!" Mucheng waved at the two and then caught up to Ye Xiu.

As they walked away, all that could be heard was Huang Shaotian shouting, "Damn that guy! I can never understand what he's thinking!" and Yu Wenzhou chidding him in the distance.

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