Chapter 11: QnA Time

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A/N: Welp.

A splash of fireworks lit up the stadium with a cascade of colors and quickly dissipate into the air.

Holograms of the avatars dance onto the stage, as lights focus around them, displaying their user's names. The audience go wild.

Finally, a single spotlight shines from above onto the announcer on stage. "Hello and welcome everybody! I hope every could attend this event!" He shouts into the microphone with a bright smile on his face.

"First off, we would like to congratulate the National Chinese Glory team for their victory in the International competition. They have put so much work and dedication for their success." The audience claps loudly with cheers.

"Secondly, we would like to thank Golden Leaf for being our large sponsor, allowing us to make such a huge event possible. So make sure to stay put all the way until the end!"

He gestured towards the audience. "And lastly, we will be having a QnA session with our beloved team. We wish you all a fun time!"

"And without further adieu, the Alliance has compiled a group of the most memorable moments that occurred to our victorious team." He points up towards the very large monitors above him. The video starts to play.

The lights dimmed as all the eyes were drawn to the large sets of tvs hanging from above the stage and throughout the stadium.

The screen flashed with match-ups against the other international teams. Some fun moments and some frustration ones too. It concluded with the looks of victory from the team. Conquered the world of Glory!

The crowd cheered loudly!

The lights brightened again before landing back on stage. The announcer held the microphone in his hand once again.

The game afterwards started without much involvement from him. And so Ye Xiu sat in his little chair on stage, waiting for the end to near, dozing off slightly.

Huang Shaotian was noisy as ever, shouting at Sun Xiang about how he was going to beat him. The other just smirked, adding oil to the fire.

The game concluded as fast as it started and it was onto the QnA questions!

A lottery system like at the All-Stars was used to pick the people to ask away. It was a very large crowd as so the workers ran around like headless chickens.

The lights shown on the team and they checked to make sure their mics were working.

"Ah. Ahem. My question is to God Ye. Was it hard to be a coach?" One of the chosen audience members asked.

Ye Xiu paused for a but before answering with a yes. "The hard part was just getting the others to work together, and you know, not rip each other's heads off."

He glanced to his sides. "But we all worked very hard to make it work." The others nodded in agreement.

"Ok so. My question is also to God Ye."

"Aya. I'm getting all the questions huh?" Ye Xiu joked.

"Do you plan to come back to the professional Glory scene in the future?"

"Ah well. Probably not, I think I've set myself a good enough legacy and am quite satisfied for now." That answer drew some melancholic responses from the crowd as they hoped their idol was going to continue into the future.

The next audience member held the mic.

"Um. My question is to Goddess Su Mucheng. How did you get into Glory in the first place?"

"Oh. My older brother was obsessed with the game. And well, now I play for both myself but for his sake." She had a slightly pained look on her face but quickly covered it up with her usual warm smile.

"I hope that answered the question!" She said cheerfully.

The next one stepped up.

"Uh... well my question is for God Zhou Zekai. What is your type?" The audience member blushed and sat back down flustered.

"Hmm... senior." He said softly.

"Wait wait wait! What? What do you mean?!" Huang Shaotian started to ramble on.

"Ahem. Shaotian, no yelling." Yu Wenzhou ordered him which promptly shut him up. Ye Xiu and a couple others chuckled as it was evident Huang Shaotian was pouting in his seat.

Everyone seemed to forget what the original question was and more entertained by Huang Shaotian's facial expressions.

And so the questions continued to roll in. Some weird, some random. The rest of the team tried to answer all of them... well most of them. Zhou Zekai stayed pretty quiet like usual. And Huang Shaotian was still pouting, though at this point it was all due to pride rather than anger.

The announcer was handed a note. "Ok, it seems that we're running a but low on time and need to end this pretty quickly. After God Zhang Xinjie finishes his answer, we need to move along."

"-and that's how you maximize the cooldowns." He finished.

"Let's give a big round of applause to everyone here for joining us today!" Claps thundered through the stadium.

Sometime between the end of Zhang Xinjie's response and the applause, Ye Xiu managed to sneak off stage. The others didn't notice as the lights dimmed to show the current CEO of Golden Leaf head on stage.
To be continued...

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