Chapter 6: Fireworks

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The sound of the engine finally stopped.

They have finally arrived.

"Wow, you took my teasing to heart and actually brought me to eat dinner. How sweet~"

Zhou Zekai blushed a bit.

"I wanted you to have a good time."

"I would have been fine with anything though." He shrugged.

"You deserve the best."

The headed into the prestigious eatery. Of course the restaurant only works via reservations. Zekai presented his name and they were led to their table. A window seat overlooking the gorgeous view of City S's skyscrapers.

The waiter brought over the menu and brought over a bottle of aged white champagne. The clear liquid poured into decorative champagne flutes, slightly bubbling as it goes down.

Ye Xiu took a sip, savoring the airyness of the drink and gleamed over the menu. Down in the deserts section, there was lemon pie.

Lemon Pie. Su Muqiu's favorite.

A frown crossed his face as memories flooded in. He stared mindlessly at the menu item.

"Is there something wrong?"

Ye Xiu was broken out of his trance.

"No. Not really. I was just thinking about what to order. I'm feeling up for some seafood. How about you?" He paged through the menu.

"I think I'll go with the lamb."

Peaceful music could be heard the the back. String instruments playing accompanied with a soft melody of the piano.

He swirled the campaign around in the glass.

"So, what have you planned for us today?"


He pouted a bit and then sighed.


The waiter came back and took their orders.

The two men stared into each others eyes. Zekai slipped his hand over the other's.

"A Romantic huh?" Ye Xiu jokingly said, not minding the contact. He felt his heart beat a bit faster. Was he able to hear it?

"What have you been up to lately?"

"Just been busy with boring paperwork and meetings. I swear, my father is getting back at me for leaving to pursue gaming."

Zekai chuckled.

The continued to chat back and forth about the current status of Samsara, their personal lives, and how naggy Ye Qiu was to him.

Like, Ye Qiu was the younger brother. Why does it seem that he's almost the naggy older brother?

The waiters finally brought their meals.

They bangered back and forth. Enjoying their time.

His phone rang. It was Su Mucheng.


"Ah. You're on a date right?"

"How did you know?"

"Your brother told me."

"Of course he did... "

"Well, good luck!"

They said goodbye and clicked off the phone.

There was a puzzled look on Zhou Zekai's face.

"Oh it was just Su Mucheng being nosy because my brother was a snitch."


They finished their meal and paid the tab. After that, Ye Xiu was dragged to a nearby fair. They took their sweet time walking around, going on rides, playing games and what not.

They were having fun, but there was a feeling of uneasiness lingering.

"Senior! Ah I mean Ye Xiu." He corrected himself.

"Let's go on the ferris wheel!"

He held the older man's hand tightly and he guided him over to the ride. There were fireworks going off, lighting up the sky with bright colors. They sat across from each other, fingers still entwined.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Ye Xiu took a deep breath and he stared at the mini explosions go off. The brightly colored lights reminded him of that day.

"Are you ok?"

"I just have bad memories with fireworks."


"Why is that?"

Its time. Time that Zhou Zekai knows. He was scared of what his reaction would be though. Would he hate him? He knew that keeping secrets was bad. Did Zhou Zekai love him enough to deal with his emotional baggage? Was he ready to trust everything in the younger man?

Yes. He has to take this risk. If he doesn't he might hate him even more later on.

"I... "

His hands started to shake. Zekai rushed over to his side to comfort him.

"Um... I... "

Come on! He has to say it. He started trembling.

Zhou Zekai was worried about what his lover was going to say. Was he unhappy with the date? Did he do something wrong?

Ye Xiu gulped.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it? You can tell me anything."


"Because of me, my best friend died."
To Be Continued...

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