Chapter 9

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He watched from the shadows of the building, hidden. She laid her corn silk head on his shoulder, and something he'd never seen in Emma Carstairs, flashed in her eye. The boy, her parabatai, gazed at her like a lover. He crushed the thought. Parabatai can't fall in love. And as rebellious as Emma Carstairs was, he doubted she would dare to break that law. But the parabatai fit like to puzzle pieces, but not in the way he had imagined. But history always repeats. Lightwood. Carstairs. Herondale. Nothing interrupts that. Not even a ruthless prince of thorns, with dreamy ocean and, dark luscious curls.


He was here. She could practically sense him. Julian seemed to sense her alertness. Stupid parabatai feelings.

"What's wrong, Emma?" He stiffened next to her.

"Nothing, Jules. Just my weird shadowhunter senses again." He chuckled. Julian's phone suddenly lit up with a text message.

"Mark," he muttered under his breath. Thank god for Mark and his capability for destroying things.

"Hey, Jules, I'm going to find Tina." Julian nodded, immersed in whatever Mark had done this time. She wandered away from him, and lost herself in the crowd. Someone suddenly grabbed her wrist, and dragged her through the crowd.

"We meet again, Carstairs." She turned to see the a dark haired young man, with stunning blue eyes. This time, he didn't have a mask. But suddenly, Emma wished he did. His face was painfully gorgeous. She gaped. He smirked. "Something wrong?" She glared. She suddenly realized that Julian standing a few feet away, and before she even moved, the boy had already wrapped his denim jacket around her and pulled a cap on her head. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm going to London, what was the point of this?" She quickly glanced at Julian, who was realizing she wasn't there anymore.

"I'm helping you." This made her look back at him. "You planned on going alone, didn't you? I'm not letting that happen."

"OK, so far, 2 people have joined, let's chaperone Emma on her trip to London to murder Annabel. The list is full, Romeo." He cringed at the name, and Emma almost smiled.

"I meant I'll help you get back your book, without your friends tracking you." She knew this was too good to be true.

"But?" He sighed.

"We steal the Black Volume together, and return it to the Seelie Queen together." She raised her eyebrows.

"Why? I know you're not doing this from the goodness in your heart." She looked at his beautiful blue eyes again. "If you even have a heart."

"Do you want to see the world burn around you, Emma? See everyone you love killed in front of you, for some damn book? This is war, Emma." The image of the children, and Jules, dying, melted all her suspicions, almost all.

"You really don't expect me to trust a boy, who called me Blondie?" He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll connect us, that way if I hurt you, I'll also be hurting myself, and If you hurt me, the pain will also be inflicted on yourself." She raised her eyebrows.

"Fair enough. So when do we meet?"

"On the beach, midnight, we're taking a plane, I'm not risking getting tracked." She nodded, trying to process everything. She turned to leave, but he grabbed her risk again.

"Oh, and Emma, do not kill Annabel Blackthorn, at any cost, just get the book." He's warning was odd.

"Why," she looked back at him.

"Because you would be the bullseye for a lot of more dangerous people. Whoever kills the owner of the volume, becomes the new owner, and I would rather not have you pay the price of the Black volume curse." And he disappeared into the crowd, leaving her shocked. A curse, once again.

Air and Darkness: A Blackstairs fan fiction, Fan made third bookWhere stories live. Discover now