Chapter 15

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Cristina walked bleary eyed to the glamourous check in table. From what she could see, almost everyone was dozing of at this hour. The sleepy eyed woman pushed a check in list in her direction. She drowsily scribbled who knows what on the clipboard. But something caught her eyes. Just above her was a familiar scrawl. She knew Emma's handwriting, it was much like her room. She rushed the others to their hotel room, on the 5fth floor. It was a lavishly modern, everything clean, and shiny. It was a 3 bedroom one. Julian and Mark collapsed on the modern white couch. Cristina turned to them.

"Emma's here." At his Julian almost fell out of the couch, and all of them were now fully awake. "Her name is on the list of people."

"Could be a different one?" Mark asked.

"I know Emma's hand," she said. "And it also means we'll probably see them tomorrow morning."

"Might as well get some sleep," Julian murmured, shaking a dozing Mark.


Julian shut the door behind him. The room was painted a pale blue, with a modern white decor. The bed was a king, with pale yellow and blue covers. Sleep didn't seem inviting anymore, now that he knew that Emma was here, out of reach as always. The room had no traces of Emma, unlike his own. And without Emma, what was he? She kept him alive all those years, he could dream about her, the softness of her lips, the color of her hair, all while he knew she was safe. He, out of habit slipped his hand into the pocket of his jeans, felt the smooth top of Emma's phone. He quickly fished it out and sat down on the plush covers. The phone opened up to Emma's home screen, a picture of them, and the Blackthorns, a few years ago. Emma's face, painfully untouchable. He flicked through the photos, his finger accidently grazing on an app. The screen flashed into Emma's recent texts. He let out a sharp breath. How much did even know Emma?


"What am I even supposed to call you?" She said, surveying the room. The walls painted pale green, with stylish modern decor, and a window on the 6th floor giving of a fantastic view of the building in front of them.

"Jake." He was studying his seraph blade.

"Last name....?" He smirked.

"Keep on dreaming, Carstairs." She huffed. "Oh, and you'll need this." He gestured to a tub of red hair dye. It was a light auburn color. She gaped at him.

"WHAT? You never mentioned that detail!"

He rolled his eyes. "Emma, if the Jace Herondale of her generation, just walked through London, waving pretty blonde hair, you really think no one would notice." She grunted. "And your parabatai would probably recognize you from a mile away." Julian. Something yanked viciously at her heart. But she pushed all thoughts of him away.

"Fine." She grabbed the bottle reluctantly. Striding into the bathroom, she unbraided her hair, releasing curling golden strands.

"My poor hair," she muttered. She placed the tub on a cupboard for tomorrow. After a hot shower she changed into her pajamas, normally soft pants and a big shirt, and locked her door. The pale blue room have her a stinging reminder of Julian. What was she going to do after she got rid of Annabel and the Black Volume. Run? Banish herself? She would tear Julian apart, and she might as well rip out her own heart. She remembered the Seelie Queen's promise, worthless one as it was. The destruction of parabatai bonds. She collapsed on the inviting fluffy bed. She'd find away. And she let sleep drag her into its depths, into a world where she could have Julian. But it was only in her dreams.

Air and Darkness: A Blackstairs fan fiction, Fan made third bookWhere stories live. Discover now