twenty seven

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taehyung was shaking as he opened the front door to his house (calling it that makes him uneasy for some reason). he's only been gone a week, and he doesn't know what he expected when he walked in. in movies, it's common for the 'lover' to trash the house with beer bottles and broken furniture. however, in his case, it really just looks not lived in. miraculously clean which is unsettling to taehyung as he knows jihun hates cleaning.

he shuffled through the front room and looked back to the front door, contemplating whether or not he should leave or go upstairs to his boyfriend.

he chooses to see his boyfriend.

in his eyes, those many hours of space were crucial to their relationship. it gave them both time to think things through and he concluded that trying to make things work was the best option, despite how good jeongguk had made him feel. how adored, precious, and downright beautiful.

(the threats coming from jihun definitely didn't have anything to do with it. nah.)

being with jihun never felt like that, but it could. he genuinely feels like they could be something special if they really tried.

what if it never feels like jeongguk

he shakes the thought away as he quietly walks up the flight of stairs and enters the familiar room that is where he and jihun sleep. soft snoring comes from inside and it answers his internal question of whether or not he'd be here at this hour. hell, with the job his boyfriend has it's pretty much a guessing game.

taehyung crawls into bed next to the sleeping boy and thinks for a quick moment that he's not as cute as jeongguk when he sleeps. jeongguk sleeps with his mouth open a little, making cute little noises when he wets his dry lips mid-sleep, and he actually whines during his slumber when taehyung pulls away from his embrace for even a second.

jihun can't ever feel taehyung move away from him — awake or not — and he drools. sometimes his drool gets on the side of the blonde's face and he wakes up disgusted by it, but he tells himself that it's adorable because it's his boyfriend and he wants to think something decent about the guy but fuck—

jihun stirs in his sleep and his eyes open slightly, peeking over at taehyung, and he groans sleepily.

taehyung tries to hide his disappointment. he had thought his boyfriend would be at least a little happy that he was home. he huffs to himself, completely deflated.

"tired of being fucked by that slug?" the boy asks in the silence of their room. the blonde peers down at him, "is jeongguk a slug in this analogy?"


taehyung audibly makes an amused sound because in what world is jeon jeongguk a slug—hell, taehyung would know that better than anyone. "i'm sorry, okay? i just want to be with you. being with him made me realize that," he wants to fucking cry. "but can you please wake up? i miss you."

jihun flips him off.

the blonde will not and cannot be deterred. knowing jihun won't take him up on the offer, he says, "i'll let you fuck me."

"you let everyone fuck you."

taehyung flinches at that. why is he so set in stone on the lie that is him sleeping with everyone he has met (and even if he has then so fucking what but he has not)? hell, he has barely even got fucked by his own boyfriend. "i do not. stop saying that."

"really?" jihun sits up, not as tired as he was a minute ago, and eyes his boyfriend properly for the first time in days. "so if i were to check your body right now — there'd be no sign of someone getting their hands on you?"

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