twenty three

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JIHUN HAS been sitting outside of jeongguk's apartment for an hour, waiting for the boy to leave for class considering jihun knows his own boyfriend's class schedule by now. he taps his fingers on his steering wheel impatiently, glancing over every few seconds to check his phone since there is one of his work buddies right outside jeongguk's door ready to take the next person who walks out.

he had thought of doing this for a while, but he wanted this to be planned to perfection. this can't fuck up this one opportunity he has to get the boy he loves back.

his phone rings and he picks it up in a second, "what is it? you need to stay quiet."

dimitri hisses, "believe in me for once, will you? i hear them saying goodbye to each other. there's a lot of... uh, kissing? not sure you want to hear that but—"

"no," jihun sighs, rubbing his temples. "i did not."

"sorry, oh shit—" jihun hears a bunch of noise from the other line and he waits patiently for dimitri to get either one of the boys knowing full well that he will come out successful. he actually does have faith in dimitri but he will never tell him that. just when everything goes quiet, someone picks the phone up and says in a hoarse voice, "who the fuck are you?"

well, shit. his plan didn't work. he decides to roll with it, "i'm outside your apartment building right now, jeon. give me back my boyfriend."

"jihun?" jeongguk asks in disbelief. "no, fuck that. you aren't getting anywhere near him. was this your plan? to have this ugly pervert wrap me in that trash bag and take me to your secret lair? really?"

he won't admit this either but the boy coming for his plan hurts his feelings leading him to growl, "you'd never live long enough to see my secret lair."

jeongguk doesn't say anything but what jihun doesn't know is that he is shaking his head in disbelief. this feels like something out of a marvel movie.

jihun can hear a door opening and a faint concerned yet painfully familiar voice on the other line: "gukkie, what was that? is that a mark on your chin? is it bleeding?"

jeongguk's voice changes from cold and guarded to soft and affectionate, "i'm fine, baby. it's just a scratch. you should see the other guy."

"where is the other guy?"

"no," jeongguk says abruptly. "don't go outside. stay in here, alright? i'm not going to class today. i won't leave you alone."

"wh- why?" taehyung asks. he sounds scared and jihun's blood boils because he should be the one comforting his boyfriend, not the damned boyfriend stealer. "what's going on?"

"don't worry about it, honey. how about you go put in a movie, huh? we could eat some snacks and just have a lazy day," jihun can hear taehyung try to argue with him on it and he faintly smiles because he knows what's that like, and he has missed hearing it. "go on, babe. i'll be there in a minute. shut the curtains."

jihun laughs bitterly, "you know i can hear you right?"

"i don't give a fuck if you can hear me," jeongguk hisses. "you are not seeing him. go home, asshole. if you even think about coming here again i'll make you regret it."

"oh yeah?" jihun sighs. "you can't lock him up in there forever. if there's one thing taehyung hates more than anything, it's feeling trapped."

"yeah, well. you would know, wouldn't you?"

and then the call ends. jihun looks back up to the apartment and sees a familiar looking boy looking down at him with worried eyes, pointing to the car and looking as if he's saying something to jeongguk. taehyung looks beautiful up there with his cute curls and a pretty pink crop top from what jihun can see. he wants to go upstairs and take what's his but he can wait. there's time for that.

the next thing he sees is a broader, taller boy who pulls taehyung away from the window—to jihun's dismay—and glares down at him. jihun gives him the finger and begins to drive off slowly, "don't get greedy, asshole. i'll be back."


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