Chapter 12

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After the dinner, Herc and Laf left to go carry on their lives. That left Alex, the sisters, and I home alone. Everything was cleaned up and I sat down on the couch. All of a sudden I felt someone wrapping their arms around me in a gentle hug. I turn around and I saw Angelica. I hugged her back.

"So you're not mad about me lying for those years I stayed with you?"

"Of course not. We've grown up and matured. So I understand why you did it. I would have done the same thing. But thank you for being honest with us tonight."

All of a sudden another person was in the hug. I bring my eyes upward and I see Eliza joining in the hug.

She softly spoke, "I'm happy that the truth came out tonight."

I wrapped an arm around her as well and I hugged the two sisters. We broke away and then we all split off and headed to our rooms.

-One month later-

I woke up from my nap and I pushed myself up from the couch. No one was in the living room. I walked to the window and I slightly opened it to feel the cool December air on my face. I leaned against the wall and started to rub my baby belly.

I watched as snow fell to the ground. Christmas was only a week away and I grew excited for the special holiday. I kept breathing in the cold air when all of a sudden I heard Alex's voice.

"Peggy, Angelica, Eliza one of you help me make sure that where ever that cold air is coming from it doesn't get to (Y/N). I don't want her getting sick. Oh, and make sure that she doesn't wake up just yet I want to make sure that she gets all the rest she can get."

I smiled at how much he cared about me. I heard someone coming into the room and I turned my attention to whoever it was. I looked and I saw Eliza standing there.

"Oh you're awake. I was wondering how a random cold breeze started coming through the house."

I laughed with her and I motioned for her to come join me at the window. She walked over and then stood next to me. We both watched the snow fall onto the ground and there was a small moment of silence before she spoke up.

"So I know that we haven't brought up your past a lot since Thanksgiving but what are the holidays like in the future?"

My memories of the future started to fade a little. I was replacing them with my new memories in this time.

"Well they are full of bright colors and happy music that we all sing along to. There are lots of decorations to look at. And the lights that they hang around town are gorgeous."

Eliza looked a little confused. "They hang lights around towns?"

I smiled and put my hand on her shoulder, "Once we pass on to the other side and time continues you'll see what I'm talking about."

She was about to say something else when Alex came rushing into the room holding my favorite blanket.

"Girls why is it still cold? Hurry help me get (Y/N) covered and-oh you're awake."

I closed the window and went to him. He put the blanket around my shoulders and hugged me. He pulled me close to his chest and I nuzzled closer to him. Then when we pulled away I looked around the room and I got an idea.

"How about we go shopping for some decorations? Since you guys don't put up Christmas trees in this time."

He thought for a second and nodded his head. "Let me go get my coat and your cloak and we'll go into town."

I clapped my hands and I told the sisters I was going out. They replied, "Okay see you when you get back."

Peggy asked if she could tag along but I had to explain to her that I wanted to spend some alone time with Alex. She understood what I was saying and she went back to what she was doing, writing a letter to John. She had written a few letters but never got one back. He was still gone and not writing to us. I just hoped the worst hadn't happened.

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