Chapter 22

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It's been two weeks since the incident with Alexander. I haven't spoken a word to him and I intend to keep it that way. He's not going to get the satisfaction of talking to me and having me if he can't enjoy me being his wife. I've basically cried myself to sleep each night and Alexander has been sleeping in his office instead of the bed. I didn't care how uncomfortable he would be in there, he was going to stay inside his office.

Philip has also been taking the situation really hard as well, but he's been acting strong in front of the kids. A few days after the incident Philip was so stressed about his father that he cried. I felt his pain and I didn't want him to worry about anything. As a mom, I knew I had to fix this somehow. I wanted to write to my family but I knew that they would be furious with Alexander and more fighting would happen.

I sat back on the couch and I sighed. I looked up at a portrait of our family, we looked happy, like no affair even happened. I felt tears coming from my eyes. So this is what a heartbreak feels like.

I heard a knock at the door so I wiped away my tears and I straightened my dress. I slowly opened the door and I saw the three women that I needed the most right now, my sisters. Peggy pushed the door fully open and she engulfed me in a hug. I haven't seen her in years and I didn't want to see her again like this. I wanted us to see each other happy and not hurt.

I started to sob into her shoulder while she rubbed circles on my back. Eliza came to my side and she joined the hug. I looked up and I saw Angelica walk into my home, she shut the door behind her and she looked at me with so much pity.

"We came as soon as we heard (Y/N). I'm so sorry we couldn't get here sooner."

I pulled out of Peggy's hug and I walked up to Angelica and hugged her.

"It's okay. I'm just glad you all are here, it's been hard to get through a day ever since that night."

Angelica pulled away and she wiped the tears that were on my face.

"Where is Alexander, I need to have a word with him."

I pointed towards his office, "He's in his office, like always."

She nodded her head and then made her way through the house. I looked back to Peggy and Eliza and they hugged me again. Peggy started repeating that she was sorry over and over again. I could tell that she was hurt that she wasn't here sooner.

I looked to Eliza and she had a tear going down her face. "I'm sorry this happened (Y/N). I was the one who invited you to take a break. If I didn't invite your family then none of this would have happened."

I shook my head and placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Eliza this is not your fault, it's Alexander's fault. He is the one who didn't say no to her. So don't blame yourself for this situation."

She softly nodded her head. Our conversation was broken up by William crying.

Peggy looked up towards the stairs where Williams room was, "Wait when did you have the baby?"

I walked up the stairs and both of the girls followed.

"A few weeks ago." 

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

I picked up William from his crib and I rocked him back and forth to make him stop crying.

"It's a boy and his name is William."

Peggy stood next to me and she looked at her nephew in awe. Her eyes were no longer sad but filled with happiness.

"I'm so happy for you (Y/N), your children are so beautiful. Do you mind if I hold him?"

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