In what way are they not

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"How can shadowhunters be better than what you call mundanes?" Clary sighs once we've returned to the institute.

"I'm mean clary, look at them." I say gesturing towards Alec and jace. Who are both very hot. 18 year old mundanes look nothing like the shadowhunters do. "And I mean." I walk closer to Alec and pull his shirt up a little bit to show clary his abs. I see The corners of Alec's mouth twitch up a little before he swats my hand away allowing his shirt to fall back down. I try to stifle a laugh when I see a light tent of pink on his cheeks. "All I'm saying is in what way are they not."

Izzy smirks at me and her brother before deciding to answer clary. "Its because we protect them."

"Your right you protect humans" clary says with a dramatic turn. "You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job guys, you rock."

"There is some through to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense." Alec speaks up from beside me in a bored tone. His retort gets him scolded by Izzy which seems to happen a lot.

"Look" jace huffs looking at clary and I. " they won't do anything to Simon they just want to draw you out. They want the cup and they think you have it."

"Why would they think that?" I ask jace. I mean what gives anyone whether it be, the vampires, the circle, or the clave, the right to think that. I have never seen the cup let alone hear of it for seventeen years what makes them think I have it now.

"What my mom lied to us our entire lives except oh by the way there this magical cup that I hid on like the planet bongo but don't tell anyone." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"We have to report it to the clave." Alec announces earning a sarcastic great from jace. He begins to walk off so we all follow. "We have to let them know what we found out about valentine."

"What? that he's my father" Clary bickers. "Great fine tell them." She says coming to a stop. "What good does that do Simon?"

"Clary it's all connected." Jace responds while leaning on the nearest wall. "The vamps want the cup."

"Why?it makes new shadowhunters" I speak up. I mean why would the vamps be wanting to make shadowhunters. I feel a presence to my left side and I look over to see Izzy. Then it dawns in me, the downworlders who want the cup wouldn't want to make an army, they'd want to stop it. "They don't want valentine to get the cup." If he got the cup there would probably be no stopping him. " valentine has the cup, he has an army, vamps have the cup, bye bye to Valentines army."

"Right." Alec nods. "And It has the power to control demons."

"They'll propose a trade Simon for the cup." Jace explains to clary and I.

"So the vamps will trade Simon for the cup, but valentine will trade Jocelyn for the cup." I sigh. Either way someone we love is in danger.

"Either way I lose someone I love." Clary exclaims. I already lost luke, I can't lose Simon or Jocelyn. "What if I just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out amongst themselves?"

"So this doesn't matter to you." Alec tries to reason. This all matters to me. This is who i was meant to be. I have shadowhunter blood flowing through my veins.

"Of course it matters, Alec." I say quietly beside him. He slightly looks down at me, showing me that he heard.

"Listen when you saved my life, I put my trust in you." Clary sighs taking a small step forward. "Now I need you to put your trust in me. We can't turn into what you are overnight." Clary says referring to me and her.

"It's right they were raised as mundanes." Izzy finally says. Alec scoffs and looks over at her.

"What are you? clary's spokesmen now."

"I don't need a spokesman I need a plan." Clary finally walks off. "Uh look at all this stuff, these screens." Clary stutters walking into the lobby. "I mean can any of this help me find Simon. Where is he anyway? some kind of crypt in Transylvania" Clary really needs to slow down.

"Actually no, that was Camille's outfit, right?" Jace asks leaning on the table. He really makes a habit of leaning on things.

"They're locals?" I ask a little confused. Why else would jace know it's name.

"Their at the hotel duMort on gansevoort streets." Izzy exclaims. Honestly I'm so glad we met these three because without them this would be so much harder. I stifle a laugh, harder I have no clue why my mind is in the gutter. My random laughing gathered the surrounding shadowhunters attention.

"Sorry guys my minds in the gutter." I get a mixture of looks from the shadowhunters. Izzy gives me a smirk, Jace nods as if saying respect, and Alec just smiles while shaking his head.

"Why did we come back here then." Clary gets right back on track with our previous conversation. Why would she think we wouldn't come back we're not prepared. "We have to go there now, come on let's go."

"We need a clave resolution for that." Alec sighs stopping clary's movements.

"The five of us can't declare war on the vampires all alone." Izzy replies to my right. I don't want to declare war on them at all I just want Simon.

"And we can't react without considering our options." Alec leans down on the table. I laugh and then mumble under my breath.

"Well I'm considering my options" I mumble while looking at Alec's muscular arms. Slowly I look up and see that Alec, Jace, and Izzy are all looking at me. Meanwhile clary is completely oblivious.

"What?!" Jace says looking from me to Alec. I go red in the face when I realize all three of them heard me.

"Uhm nothing nothing at all." I say shaking my head. It totally wasn't nothing.
Honestly this chapter cracks me up. I feel like aurora is me in this chapter.

Super hearing or fast reflexes?

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