Living up to your family name.

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I wait for the portal to appear in the middle of the institute and when It does i squeal in excitement. Magnus walks in wearing a nice suit and I sprint to him and tackle him in a hug.

"Jeez." He huffs out catching me.

"I missed you." I smile at him when I let go.

"I know gorgeous." He points to my temple. "How are you with things up here?"

I go to answer but Lydia walks up to us and starts speaking to Magnus. I feel myself growing more annoyed at her. I look at Magnus and just pray he can listen to what I'm thinking. Lydia is the most annoying shadowhunter I have ever met.

Magnus seems to be very distracted from Lydia talking to him. He looks very deep in thought.

"is something wrong me. Bane?" Lydia asks him. He straightens his jacket and looks at her.

"No nothings wrong how about you show me to that forsaken now." Lydia leads the way away but Magnus stops in front of me and studies me.

"Curious." He says studying my face. He looks me dead in the eyes. "I've never seen anything like that. I've got to go Gorgeous but I'll speak to you about this later."

I scrunch my eyebrows in a confused motion. What is he talking about? Speak to me later?

I walk silently into the training room To meet with alec. Coming up behind him I wipe my tears before he can see them. I can't show him weakness.

"Alec." He turns to me and studies my face. Without even saying a word he pulls me in for a hug and I let him. "They're burying Simon today and I don't think I have it in me to go."

Alec's grip around me tightens. The black haired boy rubs my arms as he hugs me. I'm sure it was only seconds but it felt like forever. Sadly he pulls back and wipes a stray tear.

"If they're is anyone in the world who has it in her it's aurora goldstark." Alec study's me for a moment and then turns to a bench as he speaks. "I was saving this for a special time and I think that is now."

Alec pulls out a blue leather book with gold detailing. He dusts off the cover and walks back over to me.

"What's this?" I ask looking at him curiously. He motions for me to sit on the ground with him so I do. As soon as I sit down he throws the book in my lap.

"Well I know you don't know much about your shadow hunter family so I wanted to help with that." He smiles at me,making me automatically smile back. "This book traces back the goldstark family and they're history back fifty five years."

I lunge forward and throw my arms around alec. I hug him once more before sitting back and opening the book. Alec smiles and stands up. He pats me in the shoulder and before he leaves he speaks up.

"Some of shadow hunters bravest soldiers are in that book and in a couple years time I know Rory you will be too." With that he turns and walks out leaving me with the book.

I can hardly stand but alec was right aurora goldstark has it in her. I made it to simons funeral. After clary said some last words to Simon she started to cover his body with dirt but she couldn't so I took over. It should be one of us over jace or Raph. One pile after the other I dump the dirt in. I always thought that out of all of us I'd be the first to die after all I was always the most risky. As kids clary and Simon were cautious while I was daring.

When I'm finally done I turn towards jace, clary, and raph. I give each of them a nod and I head inside to my room.
Caspian goldstark, the one armed hunter.
Is said to have killed as many as 100,000 demons in his time. A remarkable feat considering his physical deformity.

Aglacia goldstark, the blind huntress.
After a terrible run in with a werewolf who slashed both of her eyes, all of her other senses were heightened to an extreme.

Ive got some pretty hard names to live up to.  All braves soldiers. As I'm mulling over the history I hear a knock at my door. I softly walk over to it and open it a crack. In the other side is a boy with messy black locks and he's wear sweats. I open the door more for alec and he comes in and lays straight on my bed.

"Alec," he turns his head to look at me. " have you ever found it hard to live up to your families name?"

He nods at me. "Very much Rory." As he talks I crawl into my bed and lay down beside him. He  puts his arm around my shoulders and I cuddle even closer to him and rest my head in his chest.

"Alec?" I ask once again. Something about laying in this bed with him just made me run my mouth so freely.

"Yes Rory?" He starts to play with my hair as he answers.

"Why are you here right now?" His hand in my hair stops and I hear his heartbeat pick up. I pick my head up and look at his face. His face isn't its usual happy self when he's in my room. It's sad.

"I know I have to do something Rory but I don't know if I can bring my self to do it." I give him a confused look but he just shakes it off. He pulls my head back down to his chest and hugs me too him. "Just let me have tonight Rory because by tomorrow everything will be different."
Heyyy how y'all doing? I'm back. Anyway how'd you like this chapter and the ending what do you think alec has to do?

Lydia or Camille?

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