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"Someones looking badass." Jace says walking into Izzy's room while staring at my sister. She turns around with a blush.

"She cleans up well." Okay seriously this whole Izzy and I talking at the same time is pretty creepy. We glance at each other and then back at jace as he chuckles.

"I'm gonna go see Alec." Izzy says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Slowly she turns her head towards me. "Aurora why don't you come with, He never knows what to wear to these things." I groan but never the less follow her out of the room.
"I don't like it." I say to Alec as he tries on a shirt and turns around to show Izzy and I. " maybe you should take it off and try something else."

I feel something soft hit me and I look over at Izzy to see she threw a pillow at me. I pick it up and throw it at her. I feel a pair of eyes on us so I turn towards Alec. I'm greeted by him looking at us while shirtless. I'm totally not complaining. We stay in his room for another ten minutes before I decide that I should probably stop messing with him. He's tried on fifteen different shirts and in all honesty the first one was fine.
"Alec and Izzy are securing the perimeter." Jace says leading clary and I into the party.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Clary looks at him with big doe eyes. God, I have to get away from them quickly. "Last time we were here the place was crawling with vampires."

"Relax, all downworlders hangout here." I seriously can't be with these two if they keep making lovey dovey eyes at each other.

"All clear." Alec whispers as he comes up behind me. I look over at Izzy who comes to stand next to me and smile. She interlocks her arm with me.

"Do you think reds my color?" She asks while showing off the necklace. I scoff at her.

"Everything is your color, iz" I smile. If only I was as pretty as her. She slaps my stomach where it revealed under my crop top. Almost as if she could read my mind she responds.

"Stop it, Aurora." She scolds. "Your beautiful." I put my arms around her shoulders and hug her. She truly is a great friend. She takes the necklace off and puts it on me.

"Damn, i make this necklace look good." I boast earning a laugh from Izzy and clary. Alec didn't seem to impressed though.

"Will you take it off?" He asks annoyed. I don't know who peed in his Cheerios this morning but damn. "I'm certain Magnus bane doesn't want drool on his ruby."

I scoff at him before I turn and smirk. "Are you sure about that, Alec?"

"I wouldn't be so sure Alec."Izzy piped up in my defense. "With a body like Aurora's most men might like it when she admires their jewels. Wouldn't they Alec?"

He ignores her statement. " will you just give it to jace?" I reach around the back of my neck and unclasp the necklace.

"You're no fun Alec." I pout. He looks down at me and smiles before looking straight ahead again while biting his lip.

The musics blaring as we walk in and I can barely hear jace as he begins to speak.

"Blend in, keep your weapons ready." He instructs. Alec and Izzy walk off to search for any of valentines men leaving me with jace and clary. Well if we're here we might as well dance. I go to make my way to the dance floor but clary stops me. 

"I need you aurora."she sighs. "I know we haven't been close recently but I need you to come with me, I'm nervous." I begin to fan my eyes.

"Aww Clary why am I crying in the club?" She laughs but smacks my arm. Mumbling am I hate you before she drags me off to go find magnus. We walk towards the back and see him.

"Magnus!"jace calls in a loud voice. When Magnus looks over I can see he looks a little nervous. He probably thought we were valentines men at first. Magnus gets up and makes his way over to us.

"Clary Fairchild and aurora goldstark." He states while grabbing each of our hands and kissing it. I ignore what he calls me but make a mental note to tell Alec about it later. "You've both grown into beautiful young women."

I flip my hair over my shoulder. " I don't mean to brag but..." I joke causing him to smile. He points his finger at me.

"You always were the dramatic one." He leans in close and whispers in my ear. "That's why you're my favorite." I laugh. Magnus seems like a good person and an amazing Ally.

"We're here to talk to you about clary's memories." I smile at him after I'm through laughing. His smile drops a little but he picks it right back up.

"Ahh." He says as if just realizing it. "I'm guessing you already have yours then." He says like he knows something we don't. What does he mean about my memories?

"What do you mean?" I ask in a serious but friendly tone. He smiles at our confused expressions.

"I didn't just take clary's, Jocelyn insisted I take away yours when you came to be in her care." He smiles. "Since you're my favorite I left anything from before your mom died." He turns to jace with a bored look. "Show me the jewelry shadowhunter."

Jace pulls up the necklace in front of our faces. Magnus goes to reach for it but jace pulls it back at the last second.

"Give them back their memories and you can have it." He smirks. I can't believe that he took my memories too. I mean I'm not mad but it's still surprising.

"I have to confirm it's authenticity." Magnus smirks as if finding a loop hole. I look at jace and see that he's not budging so I grab the necklace and hand it to Magnus with a smile. I may not know much about this world but I do know that having more allies is better than having more enemies. Jace gives me a dirty look but I cut him off by moving my hand across my neck in an attempt to get him to stop.

"Oh how I missed this jewel." He sighs. I smile at him as he looks up to listen to Clary speak.

"Now it's your turn to pay up." She spits out with venom in her voice. I give her the same look I gave jace.

"We would love if you could help get our memories back." I lean in to whisper in his ear. Much like he did to me. "If you don't they will take away the necklace and I don't want that to happen it's a very beautiful piece."

He sighs." I wish I could retrieve them but I no longer have them." Couldn't one thing be easy to do around here.

"What?"Clary asks almost heartbroken. "Where are they?"

"I fed them to a memory demon for safe keeping." He sighs once more. Oh well this is great.

"If I may ask why would you do that?" I ask nicely trying to stay on magnus's good side. Jace and clary May not know it now but we're gonna need him sooner or later.

"To protect clary and the cup." He answers. I notice he leaves out my name which could only have to possibility's that I could think of 1. He didn't care if I was safe or 2. My memories weren't fed to the memory demon.
Woooo look at aurora being a peacemaker.

The ruby or Izzy's whip?

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