Rory is one of our own

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Find a different way. That's the best you got. You literally could've just admitted you love him.

I shake my head and tune back into Jace and clary's conversation.

"And what's the second rule?" Clary asks staring into jaces eyes. Suddenly Izzy's whip grabs the cup.

"There's nothing a shadow hunter can't do in heels." Iz smiles while looking at the cup. I watch Jace walk over to Alec.

"Alec what are you doing?" Jace asks. "You Can stare at this monitor all you want but you need angle blood to get past the wards, you know that."

Alec looks at me for a split second as Jace continues to speak. "No downworlder can get into the institute."

"Not without an invite from a shadow hunter." Iz says coming to stand next to me. Alec turns around with his arms crossed making his muscles appear bigger. I quickly look away.

"Last time I checked valentine is a shadow hunter. The cup isn't safe here we have to give it back to the clave." Alec says with authority.

"The clave? No!" Clary says definitely. "Not after everything we went through to get it."

"Alec is right Clary." I state loosing my smile. "That cup has no protection here."

"You're only siding with Alec because you love him." Clary says crossing her arms. My jaw drops and Iz comes to my rescue.

"Clary, they are both right." As Iz talks I look at Alec to see him biting the inside of his cheek. He won't even look over at me.

"I agree with Clary we can't give it to the clave. it's our only bargaining chip." Jace speaks up. I turn to him and sigh. I want Jocelyn back just as much as Clary but we can't lose the cup otherwise we'll never get it back.
Just as Clary gets done leaving a message for Simon an awful buzzing noise goes off. Jace and Alec both give eachother a look.

"Uh guys what does that mean?" I ask covering my ears. Alec turns to me with an emotionless face.

"Someone is trying to break in." We all gather our weapons up and head out the door of the institute. Iz and I stay close together to protect each other and Jace and Alec stay close together in front of us.

         In the distance a tall figure comes walking towards us. I see it holding someone in their arms.

"Drop what your holding, put your hands up!" Alec demands the unknown person. When I finally stop next to Alec I recognize the body in the strangers arms. It's Simon. The stranger looks up and i see it's the vampire from outside the city of bones. With a cry, I fall towards the ground but a pair of arms catches me around the waist. Without even looking who it is I let them pull me into their chest. The unknown person smoothes down my hair and shushes me as I cry.

"I'm here Rory I'm here." Alec says in my ear. I hug him even tighter and I cry into his Shirt. Alec whispers again in my ear. "I'm not leaving you."

I don't bother to talk back as i hold onto alec. I just give a short nod.
"People are gonna wonder what we found in the perimeter." Jace says quietly as we all stand around in a part of the institute basement.

"I'll go." Alec says from beside me. "I'll tell them we didn't find anything, no body will come down here."

Just as Alec is about to walk out the door I rush over to him.

"Alec wait." I say once I get to him. He turns slowly and looks at me with a sad face. "I'm coming with you. I...i can't see him like that."

Alec grabs my hand lightly. "Okay come on." As we walk back into the institute Alec wraps his arm around me and we walk in silence.
"Alec do you think you could get my stele back?" Max asks his brother while we walk through the institute.

"Max they took it away because you nearly burned down the Mumbai institute." Alec says. I smile at Max and pick him up. It helps a lot with Simon seeing little kids around the institute it makes me a little less sad.

"I'll try and get it back for you max." He smiles real big at me and I set him back down and hold his hand.

"See she gets it, Alec." Max says making me laugh. Alec looks over at me and tries to hide a smile. He suddenly gets serious.

"You two," he stops us by putting a hand on my shoulder. "Someone very important is coming to see us, and you two need to stay out of trouble."

"Sure." I hide a smile as I look down at Max.

"If you two stay out of trouble I promise I'll hatch a plan with Rory to get your stele back." Alec smiles at Max. Suddenly the elevators in front of us open and out walks valentine. I shove Max behind me as Alec fires an arrow. At the same time I throw a knife and it lands straight in his shoulder. With a grunt he pulls it out and toss it back to me. I catch it in the air swiftly, with a confused look towards Alec. Within seconds valentine transforms into a pretty blonde.

"That reaction time was abysmal." I can tell by her voice I'm not gonna like her. She walks closer to Alec and I. "Except for you two, I'm Lydia bronwell envoy from the clave." Maryse walks up and stands behind Alec and I.

"Maryse the clave has ordered me to take temporary control of this institute." Lydia says with authority.

"The clave never informed us of this." Maryse says with a tight lipped smile.

"The clave doesn't have to." Lydia says rudely back to Maryse. "And to repeat myself it's temporary, nothings been decided yet. But I do need full clearance in order to access how this institute is running."

Lydia walks up to me with an obvious fake smile. "You must be aurora Darwin?" She sticks out her hand for me to shake but I don't take it.

"Aurora goldstark." I sat standing just a few inches taller than her. "You'd think being from the clave you guys would've done your research."

"We don't have time to waste on immature little girls like you running around." Lydia says thinking she's tougher than me.

"Ms. Bronwell that is enough." Maryse speaks up for me. "Aurora is one of our own and you will respect her as such." I smile over at Alec and I can see he's mildly shocked his mother stood up for me. I give Maryse a little nod and she returns it.
Wow I'm sorta in love with all of the light woods atm. Thank you for being so patient and waiting for this chapter hope you all loved it.

Max and aurora or Maryse and aurora?

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