I cant, jace!

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"If valentine ever captured me, he could torture your memories out of me." Magnus says. I get it magnus was just trying to watch out for us when he fed clary's memories to the demon. "Just like he tortured dot."

"Dot?" He tortured dot. Wait tortured? That means she's okay now though and somewhere safe, right? "Is dot okay?"

He turns to me. "You don't know?" He says in a grim voice. I tightly grip clary's hand. "Dot is dead."

What? She's dead. She can't be. Dot was like a sister to me and clary. She was family. I hold back my tears. I can't cry I need to be tough now for Jocelyn. Until we get Jocelyn back I have to be brave. I swallow back my sadness and put on an emotionless face. 

"What?" Clary stutters out. Out of pure instinct I reach down and grab her hand. "How do you know?"

"I can't feel her magic anymore." I give clary's hand a tight squeeze. If only we had never walked into that club none of this would have ever happened. On the other hand though if we had just walked away from the club that night and not followed jace then we would have never met them. I would have never met my best friend and I would have never met Alec. "Valentine killed her because she would not betray your mother."

"Oh my god." Clary says while shaking her head. She has this sort of far off look in her eyes. I understand we've lost Jocelyn, luke, and now we've lost dot.

"Come with me, Clary, Aurora." He nods to both of us while offering a hand. "My lair could offer you protection no shadowhunter could." Jace scoffs at Magnus's request.

"No" clary and I answer in sync. I'm not gonna leave the Lightwoods behind.

"Don't be fools your mother would want you to live." I don't think he realizes that calling us fools is not helping his case.

"Then help us get our memories back, from whatever demon you fed them to." Clary says, her voice coming through gritted teeth.

"Valentine is hunting you, too and every moment we're outside my lairs protection, is a moment valentine gets closer to finding us." Magnus turns and creates a portal to his lair. He turns back and offers his hand. Looking at jace and clary, I make the decision to find out what he knows about my memories. I step forward and grab his hand. He smiles at me and I return it.

Slowly I look over at Clary and see that she's mad. "Clary I need to do this for me. I need to know what he knows about my memories." I slowly walk over to clary to give her a hug. As I walk away from Magnus I'm sure to run my hand over his sleeve and peel off a button. I wrap my arms around Clary in a sisterly embrace. "I'll see you soon." I walk over to jace and he gives me a confused look. Without explaining I wrap my arms around him and whisper in his ear "Izzy told me about parabatai tracking." As I speak I slip the button into his hand. I let go and walk back over to magnus. I had to do this. For me and for my parents.
Alec's POV

" you know what?" I say while walking out the back door of the club. "This is great not only did he not give The girl back her memories but he also took aurora and the necklace."

" first off, Alec." Jace retorts. " the girl, her name is Clary and I highly suggest you keep your voice down." He spits out.

"Why? So I don't hurt her feelings?" I shout. Why did aurora have to go with Magnus? Why did they give him the necklace? Why did Clary even stumble into our lives in the first place? I can't say that because if Clary hadn't of stumbled into our lives I probably wouldn't have met aurora. I care for her and I don't know why. I feel like I need to protect her. I want to always be around her. Her perfect combination of sass and beauty makes her both demonic and angelic and that's the most dangerous thing of all. "We have risked our lives again and again for this girl and where has it gotten us. Alright no where. We are no closer to getting the mortal cup and we've lost aurora"

"Why are you so hell bent on aurora Alec? She's no different than clary. Hell Alec, their sisters." Jace shouts. In an extreme fit of rage I shout back with out thinking.

"She's different! Okay, Jace." I get quieter at the end mulling over what I just said. Everyone seems to quiet down.

"Look, I'm sorry i made you look bad in front of your bosses." Clary says while walking over to me. I roll my eyes at her. "But my mother and sister are both gone and my last chance at finding them just disappeared into thin air."

"Clary it's gonna be fine." Jace tried to console her. That's when I realized that me and him were in the same boat we both care about one of them. After jace told me that while talking to magnus, Aurora was actually a very good peacekeeper I can't help but think that she would be a good head for the institute.

"No it's not!" Clary snaps gaining my attention. "People are dying because of me and magnus? Magnus will never come out of hiding again while valentine is still after him. We're never gonna find him and I will never get my memories back."

Looking up at jace I see the knowing smile on his face. "You give up way to easy." He smirks while opening his hand to reveal a silver button nestled inside. "Aurora gave it to me before she left, said Izzy told her about tracking." aurora is smarter than we all give her credit for.

He walks off to go track magnus and I sigh when the orange starts speaking again. "What's he doing?"

"He's tracking magnus, be quiet and keep your distance." I sigh. Aurora is smarter than we all have her credit for. She'd be perfect for head of the institute as long as she has someone like me along side her.

"That button belonged to magnus." Izzy explains more to clary. "Jace can use it to pinpoint the location."

He shakes his head and turns back to us. "No, the signal is to weak, Magnus must be blocking the track, Alec let's do this."

I sigh and walk over to him. I'm doing this to find aurora not clary's stupid memories. I know I should probably care more about finding the mortal cup but for some reason I just can't. All I can think about is aurora. I offer my hand out to him and he grabs it. We bring our hands up and hold them in between our hearts. Both of us doing it for different reasons. Him for clary and I for aurora. I start to think about auroras long blonde hair and her smile. Her eyes when she laughs or the crinkle on top of her nose when she's confused.

"Alec focus!" Jace sneers. I can't focus. Ever since the day in the hallway with aurora she's all I've been able to think about and the problem is I don't want to stop thinking about her.

"I can't jace!" I shout. "I can't focus, I haven't been able to focus ever since I met aurora." I get quieter so that clary doesn't hear me. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about her."

"It's fine Alec, you don't have to worry about her or clary working with valentine." I growl at jace. Did he really think that this is what it was about?

"That's not what this is about jace." I say my voice rising a little. "I fucking like her." I like her. I freakin like aurora.
Alright so I'm screaming rn. Anyway how many of you like vampire dairies I'm working on a book for that rn and I'm wondering if I should publish the first chapter.

Stefan or Damon?

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