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"Magnus bane." Hodge reads off his tablet while walking up to the monitor. "He's over three hundred years old and as you can see..." he pulls up a series of pictures of an Asian man who I can only assume is Magnus. Dang his eyeliner is better than mine. " he has not shied away from the pleasures of every century. His taste is quite exquisite and quite excessive."

I snort while looking at the monitor. "He looks like the downworld's David guetta."

"Gettas' already a downworlder." Izzy says from her seat beside me on the table. "Vampire? You ever seen him in the daylight?"

"Can you two focus? this is not a joke." Alec says from the chair beside the table.

"I can focus on something else if you like." I wink at him. I laugh when I feel Izzy nudge me. She leans in and whispers so only I can hear.

"Look how red he is." I look over and sure enough Alec's cheeks are tinted a light red.

"Alec's right!" Hodge snaps. "Now Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known. He has a deep mistrust for shadowhunters."

"Well then why did he help my mom remove my memories?" Clary asks from beside jace. I thought we got passed this whole possessive thing, did we not? " isn't she a shadowhunter?"

"Yes one of the best, along with Julian goldstark." Hodge says. That's weird my dads name is Julian. "But help may not be the most accurate word. now, Did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps but more that likely your mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic."

"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything." Jace day walking around his chair to sit down. Alec quickly speaks up from beside me.

"Word from the clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since valentine began hunting them."

"Valentine must be looking for the warlock where did Jocelyn..." he stops abruptly because of the pain from his rune. I immediately hop off the table and go to him.

"Hodge, are you okay?" I ask while putting a hand on his shoulder while he doubles over. He slowly stands up and puts a hand over mine. He gives me a look of sadness like he's not allowed to tell me something but quickly nods his head. I return to my seat on the table and ask. "So where do we find Magnus anyway?"

"We don't, Magnus finds us." Jace speaks up. Great, this is going to go wrong somehow I just feel it. "We'll set up a meeting somewhere protected, lure him out of hiding."

Izzy tilts her head to the side at jace's idea. "I know exactly where we do it." She dramatically gets off the table and grabs the tablet from hodge. She slides her finger across it before a flyer for a rave comes on the screen.

"A downworld rave" Jace nods his head as he speaks. "Nice Izzy"

"Where did you get that?"Alec asks his sister.

"During my surveillance of the downworlders." Izzy responds with a smile. "From what I hear magnus likes to party."

"He'll never go for it"Alec says. I go to slap him for being so negative again but he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. "Not with valentine hunting him."

"Of course he will" jace says from Alec's other side. Jace turns to Alec with a smirk and it gets even wider when he sees our hands. "He'll blend in, hide in plain sight."

"If Magnus is coming out of hiding, it will be at one of the biggest parties of the year." Izzy smirks at us. If that's what Izzy thinks, then I trust her.

"Come with me." Hodge says leading us off to another room. Alec wouldn't let go of my hand so now I have to try and meet his long strides by jogging next to him. Hodge traces a rune pattern on the floor and slowly he pulls off the tile to reveal a indent which houses a ruby necklace inside. He slowly lifts it up for us to see.

"Is that real?" Izzy and I ask simultaneously. We both spare a brief glance at each other and then go back to admiring the ruby.

"A four karat, heated Burmese ruby." Hodge says quickly. I haven't taken my eyes up off it. It's gorgeous. "And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt."

"Camille and Magnus were lovers?" Clary questions from my left.

"Warlock gets around." Jace smirks. I mean if I was alive for more than 300 years I'd probably like to get around too.

"Magnus bought it in 1857, for the price of his London townhouse." Hodge informs us. He is really freakin smart. "Now the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons. Magnus has long awaited to reunite with this necklace." Hodge gestures his hand to the necklace. "Offer it to him, he might just take the bait."

"I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting." Jace says while walking off. Omg, this means I get to dress up instead of wearing these leggings and my cropped hoodie. I say goodbye to Alec and walk with Izzy to her room to find out what to wear. Finally I decide on a red cropped halter top, a white skater skirt, and an adorable pair of knee high socks with a rainbow stripe on the top. I was just about to put on my white converse when clary walks in.

"Jace said you wanted to see me." She says to Izzy who is rummaging through her closet.

"What are you wearing to the downworlder party tonight?" Izzy asks while walking up to her.

"I don't know." Clary shrugs. "I was thinking about just wearing this." Izzy is going to flip out.

"I don't think so." Izzy laughs. "No downworlder would be caught dead in that." After I finally get my shoe on I get up from the bed and walk up to the pair. "Plus its a party not a poetry slam."

"Well I don't really have any party clothes with me." Clary shrugs and then looks over at me. She furrows her eyebrows at my outfit, seeming confused that I was wearing Izzy's clothes, Izzy is my new bestie so it shouldn't surprise her. Izzy walks over to her clothes and picks out a dress.

"So you'll have to wear mine." She smiles. Izzy hands her the dress she was holding and walks over to find another.

"You do realize one of these days you'll have to tell us when and where." Clary jokes.

"Where and when what?" I question as Izzy puts a feather boa around clary.

" where you get your spending money and when your letting me go to a store." I gasp as clary talks making both girls give me a confused look.

"Izzy we should go shopping together" I smile as she enthusiastically nods her head. She definitely is my new bestie.

"Okay that dress is way to tight."Clary shakes her head at the dress that Izzy hands her. I laugh but then swat her arm.

"It stretches you dimwit." I say between laughs.
Lmao aurora at the end.

But herondale or carstairs?

•Angelic• {alec Lightwood}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon