Grey for knowledge best untold

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" black for hunting through the night, for death and morning the colors white"

"Black for hunting through the night"a little girls voice repeats. It takes me a minute to realize that the voice is me.

"Gold for a bride in her wedding gown." I recognize the voice but it's been so long since I've heard it. I was four the last time I heard my fathers voice. As the voice fades away I try to open my eyes but I can't. It feels as if I've had ten pounds of concrete poured on me. Slowly I finally open my eyes and try to sit up. Realizing I'm to weak to sit up I decide to just look around. To the left of the bed I see a figure sitting in a chair. Looking at the figures dark black hair I realize it's Alec and let me just say he looks great in his grey sweater.

"Alec?" I mumbles out. He stirs in his sleep but finally he opens his eyes. When he sees me awake he shoots up and sits on the end of the bed. Feeling another presence in the room I look to my right and see Izzy. She gets up and grabs my hand. After giving it a reassuring squeeze she excuses herself to go find Simon and clary. "What happened, Alec?"

He looks down at the ground and sighs. When he looks down at the ground I can see worry in his eyes.

"Aurora you got bit by a vampire." His words are a shock to me. I don't remember anything after storming into the room. "I killed him but it was to late." He sighs and puts his head in his hands. I finally sit up and put my arms around Alec.

"It's not your fault Alec." I whisper. I don't know when but along the lines of my crazy new life I came to care for Alec. I feel him put his arm around my waist and hug back.

"You know, you were mumbling in your sleep." He sounds like he's puzzled as he speaks. Pulling back I see that he has his eyebrows furrowed. He turns his face toward me with a serious expression. "Did you know you were a shadowhunter?"

"Alec, I didn't even know you guys existed until after the club." I explain. why would he think that I knew about shadowhunters?

"The rhyme you were mumbling, tell me it?" He asks. I take a deep breath before starting.

"My Dad used to tell me before bed." I explain. My dad went missing when I was four. The last thing I remember him telling me was to stay away from the Morgensterns, Whatever that means. "Black for hunting through the night, for death and mourning the colors white, gold for a bride in her wedding gown, and red to call enchantment down..." I was about to continue but Alec does so for me instead.

"White silk when our bodies burn, blue banners when the lost return, flame for the birth of a nephilim and to wash away our sins, Gray for knowledge best untold, bone for those who don't grow old, saffron lights the victory march, green to mend our broken hearts, silver for the demon towers, and bronze to summon wicked powers." He finishes off he must have noticed my confusion because he quickly explains while grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. "I asked because that's the shadowhunters children rhyme, Aurora I think your dad was one of us."

I was about to respond but the sound of people walking in stop me. Looking at the door with my mouth still open I see Izzy, Clary, and jace all walk in. Clary throws arms her around me in a hug but I can only hug back with one arm because my hand is still being held by Alec.

"I was so worried about you." Clary confesses while sitting in the chair beside the bed. I look up at jace as I hear his voice.

"We all were." It was at this point that I realized that I truly cared for everyone here. They were all my family. I look around with a smile at all of them. I laugh when they land on Izzy who is smirking at me and Alec's intertwined hands.

"Where's Simon?" I ask noticing my childhood friend is gone. Clary visibly tensed at my words.

"He went home." She mumbled. I stutter out an oh before I lay my head down on Alec's shoulder. We just got him back and he decides to leave again. "Aurora, I think I know who took my memories."

" who?" I ask without moving my head off Alec. God, his shoulder is so comfy.

"Magnus bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn." Jace announces.
This chapter is short and sweet. ooh big reveal about Aurora's Dad. Also if you didn't pick up on it Alec seems to be hiding something.

Magnus bane or Ragnor Fell?

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