This is my New Job

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I am getting a new job. My old one didn't go to well I had a hard time and it had a really bad pay. I saw this website and it had so many different job offers I really did not know what to pick. But I did find this one job in particular that struck my liking. But guess what me being me I was late for this so called perfect job for me. I hoped that this job would have a long queue of waiters because it seemed pretty popular. I know having a lot of other people going for the same job as me was defiantly NOT good but for this moment right now it was super duper important for lots of people to be there. I'm not the most luckiest person ever and I have had some bad experience with most things in my life. I'm probably the most clumsiest person in the whole world..... no scratch that make that the universe. My name is Maxie but my friends call me Max, well they would if I had any, I'm your average crazy, nerdy and defiantly not the most normal person ever. I have dirty blonde hair but I think it could be classed as brown but uhhh who cares it's not like I go round telling people what my hair colour is. (And to any people that spell colour as COLOR or how ever you spell it I'm British so we have a U just to make that clear) My eyes are umm blue I think I don't normally look at my eyes in the mirror....... Probably because it would smash if I looked into one. I'm just kidding... but no seriously..... there was this one mirror and I looked at it and it just fell and smashed on the floor this happened in like real life so.......... just saying it.......... IS POSIBBLE!! Anyway my hair is long and is naturally straight I wear mostly skinny jeans and graphic t-shirts, this includes band t-shirts, star wars, anime and any other geeky, nerdy thing you can think of. I also wear trainers and I hate and I repeat I hate make up, high heels and all things GIRLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and one more thing just to clarify how nerdy I am I also wear glasses. So to put it lightly I'm a 18 year old that is half blind, a nerd and break mirrors when I look in them oh and don't forget that I HATE all things girly.

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