6. Ugliest pants. Ever!

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The studio floor, covered with years of paint splatters, was cleaned in the past week and varnished. Jason was taping the baseboards and electrical outlets when Conner walked in.

"You've made quite a progress," he remarked appreciatively.

"Thank you. I have found rags to protect the floor," he said without looking up from his work. "But first we have to take them outside to shake out the dust."

"Fine. Then I take them already."

The bundle of rags was dragged out in one go while Jason tore the last piece of tape and stood up.

Conner stood in the yard waiting for him. The sun shone on his black hair and caused a halo. Combined with the lopsided grin, he was simply breathtaking. The claim was further supported by a faded, slightly too tight T-shirt with short sleeves. His eyes slid down eagerly. There his adoration came to a screeching halt. "What is that?" He asked in disgust pointing to a pants of indeterminate color and horrible print.

"My DIY pants," Conner said as if he did not understand the question.

Jason crossed his arms, shaking his head. "No!"

"What no?" Asked Conner surprised.

"Those pants have to go," he pointed with his finger.


"Oh for heavens sake, Conner. What are you wearing?" He heard above him.

He looked up at Karen leaning from a window.

"Sure, why don't you have a go at it," he grumbled.

"Sorry, Conner, but those are the ugliest pants I've ever seen."

Besides Karen a window pushed open and Duncan appeared with CJ.

"Do you still have that old thing?" Duncan snorted. "I thought Mom had banished those pants from the house years ago?"

"See if I care," Conner said stubbornly. "Come on, Jason. Let's go to work."

Jason shook in disbelief. "Did you think I was kidding? Pants! Gone!" He said, waving his hand.

Conner sighed irritated. "Damnit, Jason. Could you for once not act like the stereotypical fairy."

"Ooh!", Came squealing from three throats above them.

Jason's eyes widened with surprise. With bated breath everyone waited for his response. His lips moved slowly into a cruel grin. "I hope you're not going commando, Murtaugh, because those pants going down," he said with glistening eyes.

"Need help, Uncle Jason?"

"Thanks for asking kid, but that will not be necessary."

Conner, offended by the suggestion of his nephew, looked up. "Hey, aren't you on my side?"

"Not with those pants, Uncle Conner" CJ replied seriously.

Jason dropped a few centimeters down and took an offensive stance.

Conner saw his movement and prepared. "Come and get it, Tinkerbell."

CJ looked at his father while the two men below were moving towards the lawn. "Who do you think is going to win?"

"No idea. I am very curious about the outcome. Conner probably doesn't know that Jason is very good at ... what's it called again?"

"Jiu jitsu" CJ said helpfully.

Jason bit his lower lip. Should he hold back because Conner was injured? He would undoubtedly have to go to extremes to even have a chance. Well, a bit of fun was enough. Grinning, he lunged toward Conner who evaded with ease.

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