30. "For your information; you're my first straight guy."

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This chapter contains descriptions of sexual acts and is not suitable for readers under eighteen.

Five hours later, Conner wobbled awkwardly back and forth. Every time he thought of Jason's suggestion to ride back together, his pants became too small. Since this was just about every second, he'd been walking around with an embarrassing bump in his pants since arriving. The present and very observant guests were aware of his awkward disposition and left no possibility unused to rub it under his nose. As a result, he was busier than ever to keep away from all the grabby hands and other unwanted attentions.

He sighed exasperatedly when Drake descended from his office with a devilish smile around his mouth.

"A little blue bird told me you're getting a lot of attention," he said waving his phone. Unceremoniously, he pulled Conner away from the bar and looked at his crotch. "Oh, gracious me!", he exclaimed in cheerful awe. "Cialis?"

"No," Conner exclaimed indignantly. "Why does everyone seem to think that?"

"Well my good man. The average erection lasts seven minutes. You're here about five hours now, and if I have to believe the messages on Twitter, you've been walking around with a nice sized stiffy all along." He hit him on the shoulder. "Painful for you, but great for business!"

Conner shook his shoulder to get rid of the hand. "No Cialis." The annoyance endorsed his point by getting soft.

"Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. The boy speaks the truth. That leaves the question of who is responsible for this?", Drake scoffed. Did you hook up a hot chick? One that fulfils all your wishes?"

A flash of Jason's tongue licking his lips shot like lightning through him.

"Bingo!", Drake exclaimed delighted at seeing Conner's immediate excitement.

The two hours that followed were of constant annoyance for Conner because Drake had trumpeted his hypothesis around and really everybody interfered with him. If Jason walked in under these circumstances, his humiliation would be complete.

He sent a message. 'Please don't come. Drake is being difficult. I'll see you later.' He just hoped Jason would accept this. Almost immediately, he got word back.

"I just walked in. What do you mean, Drake is being difficult? He's very nice to me.'

The curse bursting loudly from his lips was hard enough to be overheard. The air was filled with gossip when he walked past with a face that looked like he just sucked on a lemon making his way towards bar. Jason apparently sat without a care in the world chatting with Drake who immediately spotted him in the crowded space.

"Ah, Conner, you're already here," he jovially shouted. "I just asked Jason if he had a good time this afternoon. He went to the Spa with Nick. Don't you think he looks radiant?"

"I'm so polished and rubbed it feels like I'm glowing," said Jason, who tried to keep it light-hearted. The dark look in Conner's eyes didn't bode well.

"Oh, don't mind him," Drake said. "Conner is grumpy because everyone knows about his new hook-up."

Jason thanked the gods for Nick who alerted him to the Twitter posts so he could now react nonchalantly. "There was quite some speculation about the ... Erm... source of your excitement," he said grinning. Conner's furious expression made him realize that he had made the wrong decision.

Conner's agitation increased when he noticed how many men were eying Jason. They were right. He looked edible. He briefly shook his head. This was not how he had imagined their encounter, but under Drake's frowning gaze he saw no choice but to fall back into his old pattern.

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