8. Quid pro quo.

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Pleasantly surprised Jason found Conner at home. This one was gaming on the couch.

"I bought you an outfit. Is it okay for me to hang out the clothes in your bedroom?", he asked. "And would you be willing to fit them?"

Taken with his choice, he admired the clothes before hanging them on a hanger. It had completely escaped him that Conner had not said anything so far.

"Tanja told me how much she was looking forward to tomorrow," Conner said.

Jason didn't notice the suppressed anger.

"Yes. I ran into an old friend with whom I'm going to do a project together. I thought it would be nice to take him tomorrow, so I arranged Tanja to come with us too."

"Do you have any idea how condescending you sound?", Conner asked clearly angry.

"I don't understand," Jason said confused. "You like Tanja, don't you?"

"Don't act like you're interested. You just don't want to lose the opportunity to show me off," Conner accused him  furiously.

"What's wrong with that?" Jason let his eyes slide over Conner's athletic stature. "You know you're attractive. Is it such a problem as I try to emphasize that?"

Conner frowned.

"What do you mean? What's in it for you?"

"Seriously?", he asked mockingly. "After your debut tomorrow night, my phone will be blowing up by all the dates that want to come by just to catch a glimpse of my sexy roommate," he grinned.

"Bait?", Conner spewed outraged. "I'm bait?"

"Of the highest quality," Jason assured him. "Now be a good boy and try on your clothes."

Conner looked at him angry. Jason grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him around.

"I'll do the same for you. Women love me. Ask Tanja."

He hit him playfully on his buttocks.

"Get dressed."

Through the closed door Jason heard Conner's reactions. With a smile on his face he worked on a portfolio for the Sorrow project.

"What kind of material is this? It's shiny as fuck. Does he really think those pants are going to fit? Don't make me laugh: A lacquer belt?" Suddenly there was a cry of disgust. The door flew open. "You can forget that I put on those shoes. What is that? Suede? No! No! No, no, no, no."

Jason stared at him breathlessly. The clothes fit perfect and the color was great. Conner snapped his fingers impatiently to get him out of his admiring trans.

"Please!", he begged with two compressed palms. "You look even better than I imagined. There won't be an eye missing you."

"This is going to be expensive, buddy," Conner threatened. "I want a favour."

"Fine," Jason immediately cried. "What is it?"

A wide grin appeared on Conner's face.

"I don't know yet, but you'll hate it."

The same grin clung to his lips when he came out of his bedroom the next night and let Tanja admire his outfit.

"You look devilishly handsome," she said excitedly.

"Thank you, baby. You too."

He pressed an elaborate kiss on her lips.

Jason felt strangely nervous when receiving Nick.

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