18. Bodypillow

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Conner felt a familiar body in his arms. The details were sketchy, but he knew which bed he was in. Despite their argument and the harsh words spoken, Jason had reached out to him in his moment of need. Maintaining the status quo seemed like the best solution. Pushing boundaries had revealed very undesirable side effects.

"Are you developing a new strategy?", he heard muttering from his front.

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"I heard the gears of your brain turning." Jason turned around so they could be lying with their faces to each other.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Conner said. With his thumb, he swiped over Jason's split lip.

"I wasn't happy with your response, Conner, but honestly, I'm the one who crossed the line." Jason smiled sadly. "What are you going to do today?", he asked consciously changing the subject.

"Working. I'm probably going to be late today." Conner rolled out of bed. "Do you feel like going out to dinner?"

Slowly blinking his eyes, Jason nodded at this unexpected proposal.

" Let's go around eight. I'll send you the details." Conner looked at the clock. "I have to hurry, or I'll be late. I'll see you tonight."

By the time Jason walked up the stairs, Conner was long gone.

"Done arguing?" Karen informed serving him breakfast.

"Not really," he confessed honestly. "It would be best to leave him alone and force him to find an alternative solution to his nightmares."

"Did you think he hadn't tried this yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Conner has been suffering from nightmares for months. He tried a lot of things, but nothing really seemed to help." Her hand stroked his cheek. "You're his miracle cure."

"That only makes it worse. How can I abandon him?", Jason pouted.

Karen examined him closely. "I know you're doing this for Duncan and me too. Like I said, we appreciate this enormously, but none of us want you to get into emotional problems."

"Are you crazy?", Jason waved almost nonchalantly. "I'm an artist. Suffering feeds my inspiration."

He quickly ate the rest of his breakfast to avoid further questions, because just as always Karen looked right through him.

"I'm leaving. Safe travel and send my best to Maud and Mr. Murtaugh."

With a hug, they said goodbye.

Jason avoided Natalie and Alex on his arrival, but knocked on their door after an hour or so.

Natalie looked at him with sympathy. "Are you all right?"

"It's going," he nodded conservatively. "What about you?"

She shook her head. "I saw a new side of Alex yesterday. For the first time in our relationship, he showed jealousy." Her eyes shined. "Our night was extremely spectacular."

Jason suppressed a broad grin. "Alex was jealous because Conner paid you so much attention."

Natalie nodded in agreement. "It also seemed to work the other way round."

Not understanding, Jason frowned.

"Conner was angry because Alex was flirting with you," Natalie clarified. "It was really obvious."

He put his hands in front of his face. "This is really getting too complicated," he sighed.

"Sit down, I'll make tea."

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