35. "I know the source of your pain."

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"Hey, are you coming?" Annabel asked taking Jason's arm and paving the way through the busy street festival.

"You lied to me," Jason said grumblingly.

"I wanted some exercise and a bite to eat," she said, laughing, taking a juice from her husband. "According to the doctor, this is the perfect way to induce childbirth."

Grimacing he looked at the flowing crowd that seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Jason, relax. You've been worked up since we got to Chicago and you haven't come across a familiar person once in all these weeks. Relax and have fun," William said. "Find someone who lets the creative juices flow again," he winked.

Jason laughed wryly. Since painting "Blue Revelation" his passion had disappeared. He couldn't sketch. Every time he tried, his head remained blanc.

Thank God it was not an obstacle to the photography course he gave together with William. Technically he was a good teacher, but just like painting, photography as a creative outlet was a lost cause. He had an eye for beautiful pictures, but the real connoisseur would miss the inspiration his work once possessed. Maybe he just needed more time? Maybe he missed the focus needed to convey emotion?

After three glasses of strong punch that was served Jason finally started to come loose. He danced with Annabel and several other girls who dropped their eye on him. He didn't see men dancing together and didn't want to cause unrest by looking too conspicuously around him. In addition, there was no one who came up to talk to him.

"Is that a coincidence," he suddenly heard behind him. "We just went to your exhibit." He turned around and looked in the friendly face of Patrick Murtaugh. "Come with me. Maud will want to talk to you." Unceremoniously, he was taken to a large group of people with Maud as the sparkling center.

"Jason!" she cried delighted and stretched out her arms. The group parted to admit him. Her warm arms received him for a hearty hug. The maternal embrace was embarrassing and heartwarming at the same time.

"Hello, Maud," he greeted her.

"What a coincidence to see you here. We just went to your exhibit."

"Yes, that's what Mr. Murtaugh told me," he said, looking around. How much more of the Murtaugh clan was lurking nearby? What bad luck to bump into them like that! After all that effort to keep his presence in Chicago hidden. Even Karen didn't know where he was.

"Do you travel with the tour?"

"No." He felt her inquisitive look and knew what she would say as she led him to a quiet spot. "I know," he said with defensive hands. "I look bad."

Tenderly, she stroked down his cheek. "I know the source of your pain."

Jason forced his racing heartbeat to calm down. 'Did she mean? Oh wait...'

"What did you think of the collection?", he asked hoarsely.

"She loved it! She praised you into high heaven. Like everyone who sees it," he heard mockingly say.

Maud saw the effort Jason had to make to get his face neutral before turning to Conner.

"I asked your mother for her opinion. I know yours by now."

Maud felt goosebumps on her arms the moment the two men made eye contact.

With growing annoyance, she watched as both men put on their most stubborn expression. If they had been home, she would have each taken one by the ear, but here in public she lost that option. With a sharp finger snap she broke the staring contest and claimed Jason's attention. "I loved it, but I also found it very sad. Losing someone you obviously love is very difficult."

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