20. The Housewarming....Fiasco

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Disappointed, Jason kept the appointment at the massage parlor. He ate the dinner that followed alone. When ordering the wine, he had to show his identity card. By the time he entered Aegir, he was even more determined to make it a fun night.

"Oh my goodness," Drake exclaimed. "Please go through quickly before I get fined for admitting a minor!"

"Say, don't exaggerate like that," Jason said mildly amused.

Even before he could take a seat on the stool, Sammy shoved two cokes and a whisky sour towards him.

"The whiskey is mine," Drake winked.

The constant supply of drinks stopped abruptly when Conner came in, stood next to him and looked around angrily. The man Jason was chatting with immediately took off.

Jason leaned sulking on the bar. "You can stop the protective big brother act. I'm here to have fun."

Conner turned him towards him with one hand on his shoulder. "Are you drunk?"

"Of course not," Shook Jason. "These are merely... aperitifs." Cheerfully, he sounded his glass with an interested neighbor. "Cheers!"

A dark cloud shoved in front of Conner's face. "Can we go down yet?", he asked Drake.

"Of course! Not all your guests have arrived yet, but the party is already on its way."

Conner grabbed Jason by the shoulders and dragged him along unceremoniously.

"Pff," Sammy blew out. "Do you have security at hand? It looks like it's going to be hot tonight."

Drake nodded. "Ben and Jerry are already downstairs. Everything is under control." He wasn't wondering for the first time tonight what had happened to Jason. In all the years he knew him, he had never behaved so offensively. Conner wasn't the man to just let this go. Question wasn't whether he would respond, but how?

"Ouch," shouted Jason, who tried to escape Conner's grip. "You're hurting me."

"If you don't get your act together, this will happen more often," Conner threatened. "I intend to keep a very short leash on you."

"What's are you talking about?", asked Jason indignantly.

"You act like a spoiled brat. No one's waiting for that," Conner rightly pointed out.

"I just want some fun. Is that too much to ask?", he pouted.

Conner sighed. His grip slackened as he let his hands slide over Jason's upper arms. "Of course I want you to have a good time. I'm just asking you to take into account the company we're in," he said. For the second time that day, Conner took him by the hand and pulled him along.

The space was already busy even though Jason could see that not everyone was there yet. The bartender took him in questioning and sighing he showed his identity card.

Conner laughed at him apologetically. "Sorry."

"Yeah yeah, it's all right," he waved nonchalantly. "Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" he asked interestedly.

"Erm...", Conner hesitated. Do you want to meet them all in person?"

Jason shrugged. "Only if you want this. I don't care."

"Maybe we'd better keep it a little informal," Conner said, relieved. "Those who want to meet you will come to you."

"Okay," he nodded. He let go of Conner's hand and made his way to a group of women who had come to his invitation. Tanja was excited and was eagerly looking around. With outstretched arms, she greeted him exuberantly.

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