Getting to Know You

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Bucky watched as Violetta pumped her legs to swing on the swing. He pushed her more as she came back to him on the swing. Bucky never saw this side of her before. He realized he was falling for Violetta Gaines. As Bucky pulled her back down from swinging, he got onto the swing with her. Violetta played with his long hair with her fingers. Although he knew she was drunk, he didn't want to take advantage of her.

"You are so pretty, James." Violetta told him.

"Why do you think I'm pretty?" Bucky asked her. He heard her call him by his first name not his nickname.

"I see people who are beautiful on the inside as well on the outside. I think you're beautiful. I don't see people for their looks just their aura. Yours is different though." She answered him.

"How different?" He asked as he looked at her.

"You were in trouble once and you're hiding from him, but you want to be happy too. You can't be happy due your past." She replied.

"I think you hit me in the heartstrings, Vi. You nailed it." Bucky chuckled.

Violetta smiled at him. "Are you happy now?" She asked him while she was staring into his blue eyes.

"When I'm with you, I'm happy. Plus, you annoy me so much." Bucky told her.

"I'm not annoying, Barnes." She smirked.

"You are." He said.

"I'm not." Violetta teased him.

Bucky lifted her chin up towards his lips. He wanted to kiss her so bad. Before he reached her face with his hands, Bucky heard teenagers goofing off in the park. He got up then he helped Violetta up. They left the park to be private. Bucky took Violetta back to her place. He hugged her when they got her door. Violetta reached up and kissed his cheek. Bucky smiled.

"Be happy, James Buchanan Barnes." She whispered.

"You too." He said. "What is middle name?" Bucky asked her.

"Sasha." Violetta replied.

"Violetta Sasha Gaines." He smiled. "Beautiful name." Bucky said.

"Well, my mom is Russian. Well, she's American now. She came to America in the 80's." Violetta told him.

"I see." He commented.

After Violetta went inside of her apartment, Bucky exited the building. It was not long before he heard someone walking behind him. When Bucky turned around, it was an elderly woman taking her trash to the dumpster on the side of the building. For a moment, he felt a heart attack coming and his nerves began to go up. His own anxiety was worst thing he could imagine if the older woman was a HYDRA agent. Bucky made it back to his apartment. He crashed on the couch. Bucky had a hard time sleeping during the night.

Bucky had day off from work. He slept in for a few hours. The flashbacks kept him awake for hours last night. They were mostly about the memory wiping machine. Bucky woke up then he rolled off the couch. His memories were coming back to him. He went into the kitchen. He pressed the on button on the coffeemaker. His stomach growled as it wanted to be fed with food. Bucky made breakfast for himself. When he was finished eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee, Bucky laid back down on the couch. There was something about Violetta he liked. It was not her appearance, but he like her personality. At first, he thought she was a former Black Widow. As he got to know her, Bucky realized she was normal girl. There was something put him off about her. It was mostly her parents. Her mother was a Russian American living in America. Her father was a former SHIELD agent. Bucky heard knocking on the door. He got up from the kitchen chair. When he got to the door, he checked the eye hole. It was Violetta with three bags of clothes. He opened the door to let her inside the apartment. Violetta stepped inside the apartment.

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