Falling for You

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After Christmas, Bucky worked at the shop. There were many costumers around the store. It was snowing and cold last few weeks in Bucharest. It was the coldest weather Romania had in awhile. After shop closed, Bucky decided to visit Violetta for once. He knocked on the door. Violetta opened the door. She smiled when she saw Bucky in the hallway.

"Hey there. Come in." She said as she invited him inside the apartment.

"I came to visit you." Bucky told her. He walked inside the apartment.

"I see. After how long?" She replied.

"Months." He sighed.

"I just got home too." Violetta told him as she shut the door behind him.

He noticed a few scratches on Violetta's forearm. "What happened to you?" He asked her.

"A patient scratched me when I was trying to get blood from him. He was intoxicated." Violetta answered. She went over to the kitchen to start on dinner.

"Wow." Bucky said.

"I don't think he meant it. He hardly broke skin." Violetta replied.

"What are you doing for New Year's Eve?" Bucky asked Violetta when he sat down in the couch.

"Nothing really. Probably watch celebrations below with drunk people." She answered.

"We can celebrate the new year here." Bucky insisted.

"Alright." Violetta said as she began to make dinner.

"What are you making?" He asked her.

Violetta looked up at him. "I'm making ham and bean soup, Barnes. You want some." She answered.

"Looks good to me." Bucky replied.

While Bucky and Violetta were eating dinner, they were listening to the radio. It was about the news of the day. There was so much talk about the Avengers. After dinner, Violetta cleaned dinner up then she washed the dishes in sink. Bucky walked over to the window. It was nearly nightfall and snowing. Violetta finished the dishes. She dried her hands off as she looked at Bucky. Then she came over to him.

"You can stay overnight if you don't want to walk in the snow." She suggested.

"It's okay. I need to get back to my place." Bucky said as he turned towards her.

"I guess I will see you later. You can take some leftover soup with you. It will be enjoyable the second time around." Violetta told him. She handed him a container of soup to him.

He took the container from her. "Thank you." Bucky said. He got his coat and shoes on him.

"You're welcome." Violetta replied as she watched him get ready to leave the apartment.

After Bucky left Violetta's apartment, he walked back to his apartment. A young woman was walking her dog along the street. The dog came over to Bucky. She sniffed him. Then Bucky watched the dog start to prance around the street. He kneel down to pet the dog with his flesh hand. The young woman smiled as she led the dog away from Bucky. He got to his apartment. Bucky went inside and out the container of soup in the refrigerator. It was excellent soup made by an wonderful woman.

As Bucky laid down on the couch, he realized there were a few days left of 2015. He will be 99 in March. He would have to lie to Violetta about his age. Of course, he was lying to her already. Then he heard knocking on the door. He got up from the couch. Bucky walked over to the door and used the eye hole to see who was at the door. It was Violetta. He opened the door. Maybe she forgot to give him something before he left her place.

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