Being Watched

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Washington DC, Spring 2016

Her heels clicked behind her as she walked down the marble floor. Her hair was red and looking nice. Her face was painted in make up. She drove all the way from Florida to the nation's capital to visit her ex husband. They were married for thirteen years before he left her for a younger woman. She read the sign outside of his office. She didn't even knock on his door. A man was typing on his computer at his desk. He glanced up from the computer. He saw his ex wife standing in his office.

"Damn it, Marsha." He said. For Peter Gaines, it wasn't normal to see Marsha come out of Florida unless something happened to the only daughter.

"Have you talked to Violetta recently?" Marsha asked him. She was worried about her daughter.

"No, I haven't. Marsha, she is working overseas. It will be awhile between calls." He reassured her.

"It's been awhile, Peter." Marsha replied.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" He asked her.

"Two weeks ago." Marsha answered.

"It's been awhile then." He said. Peter walked over to her. "Do what you need to do, Marsha. Don't get caught. The CIA is still arresting HYDRA agents." He warned her.

"I know. I'm retired. For our daughter, I am not." She said. Marsha left the office. She had a long drive before boarding a plane.

Bucky looked at the mirror in his bathroom. He has been looking for Violetta for a week. He realized she went home or was out in the field in the country. He couldn't sleep for a week. Dark circles around his eyes were evidence of no sleep. Bucky went to work. Igor was busy with costumer when Bucky came in the door. After the costumer left the shop, Igor walked over to Bucky. He noticed Bucky wasn't getting enough sleep.

"Going home and get some sleep, Bucky." Igor suggested.

"I feel like something is wrong." Bucky told him. He leaned back on the wall.

"Bucky, you need rest. You should have call the police to report Violetta missing by now." He told Bucky. "Unless her parents did when they noticed no calls."

"Honestly, I am going home. You are right. I need rest." Bucky said. He left the shop.

Misha came out of the backroom. He had a toolbox with him. "Going on a few calls and I will be back." Misha told Igor.

"Alright. No fucking married women." Igor sighed.

Misha nodded as he left the shop. He saw Bucky walking away from the shop. Misha grinned as he saw Bucky cross the street. Then he got into his truck. He wasn't hitting his call list until the afternoon. He had other plans with Boris and Krill before he did his other jobs. In the mirror, Misha saw a broken man walking down the street. He knew it was his soldier. Of course, he never told Igor about the Winter Soldier and HYDRA when they met a year back. Misha was on the run too. He drove off in the truck to the country side.

Meanwhile, Violetta woke up in a cell. She was free from the ropes. She was bruised all over her body. Violetta had scars from beatings. Krill came down the hallway to her cell. He unlocked and opened the door. As Krill walked into the cell, Violetta stood up from the floor. She was weak from starvation. Krill grabbed her by the wrist. He took her out of the cell. As he led her to another room, he forced her to sit down on the chair. Boris came into the room with a plate of bread and bowl of soup. They knew they had to keep her alive for the Winter Soldier to save her. She looked at the men. Violetta lifted the spoon off the plate.

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