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Two weeks flew by fast, Violetta and Bucky celebrated Valentine's Day at Violetta's place. Bucky couldn't wait to touch her again. They made love off and on through the night. By morning, they were sleeping with their limbs over each other's bodies. Violetta woke up to Bucky's light snoring. She smiled as she eased herself out from under him. Coffeemaker was calling her name. Violetta threw Bucky's shirt over her body. Then she put her panties on her bottom. She glided over to the kitchen. Violetta turned on the radio. She began to dance to the music. Bucky stirred in his sleep before waking up with a smile on his face.

"Dancing, are we?" Bucky said with one eye open.

"I'm allowed to dance." Violetta told Bucky as she grabbed the pan for breakfast.

"I wanted to join you." Bucky groaned as he got out of bed. He joined Violetta in the kitchen.

"I am going to get breakfast started before we head to work." Violetta commented. She reached up and kissed Bucky's cheek.

"Well, I'm going to the market after work. Do you need anything?" Bucky asked Violetta about her grocery list for the store.

"Eggs, milk and whole wheat bread." Violetta answered.

"I will add those with my plums." He added as he walked over the couch.

"Plums?" Violetta said tilting her head.

"They help with my memory." Bucky explained as he put his clothes on his body.

"I didn't know they help with memory. I never ate them. Picky eater as a kid." Violetta told him. "I have your shirt."

"It's okay. I will need it back before I leave." Bucky replied.

After they had breakfast, Violetta gave Bucky back his shirt. She went into the bathroom for a shower. Bucky left her apartment for work. He walked down the street before he heard a siren in the background. He froze in his steps as the police drove by him. For a moment, he thought he was caught for his crimes as the Winter Soldier. Bucky came up to the store. Igor and Misha were waiting for him. He entered the store and began his day of work. While Igor and Bucky were working around the shop, Misha did house visits for the day.

When the day ended, Bucky had to do some shopping for food. He took some plums then he got Violetta's groceries. Although he was getting his errands done, he felt like he was being watched by someone. Bucky paid the cashier at the front. He exited the store. He had an odd feeling someone was watching him. Bucky arrived to Violetta's apartment. She wasn't home yet. He left her groceries at the door with a note. Then he went home.

Bucky saw a man standing opposite side of the street. The man didn't move just stared at Bucky. He walked home. By the time he got to his apartment, the man was gone. During that night, Bucky had a strange feeling about that man on the street. He knew someone was watching him. As night turned to day, Bucky took the time to get ready for work. He began to worry about Violetta. She could handle herself. Bucky walked over to Violetta's apartment. He knocked on the door.

Violetta opened the door. "Bucky, I thought you would be at work this hour." She told him.

"No, I was worried about you." He replied.

"Why?" She asked him.

"I saw man outside of the store yesterday. I think he followed me from work to my place." He explained.

"Can you describe him for me?" She asked another question to Bucky.

Bucky entered into the room. "He was about my height. The man had dark brown hair. I couldn't see his eyes. He had a pointed nose. He was muscular build." He told her about the man's appearance.

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