"Well, I got an anonymous tip that you were a psycho English teacher causing Human Sacrifices." She smiled at her. "Scott now."

Jennifer tried to run again but got shot in stomach, it was Danny, she had ejected her claws into Jennifer.

Scott threw an unknown substance on top of Jennifer.

"Mistletoe!" Jennifer screamed. I saw her face shifting into a monster's. I now fully believed Scott and Stiles about her.

Outraged and heartbroken I grabbed her by the throat, and growled.

"What are you?" I squeezed her throat tighter.

"Derek, stop, If you kill me Stiles will never find his father, and I am the only one who can save your sister." She gasped. I released her and she straightened herself out ripping out the claws in her stomach.

"I would've just killed her, but the bitch has her leverage. How do we know we can trust you?" Danny asked.

"When I know I can trust you, just keep the Alpha's off my back, and I'll save Cora and give you Stilinski."

"Yeah right." Danny laughed hysterically.

"Danny, we have no other choice." I sighed.

"Fine." She huffed.

"Hey I'm glad your back."

"I'm not here for you." She growled before heading towards the kitchen. "I'm here to stop Jennifer, and save The Sheriff, then I'm heading back to- where....I...was."

"Danny please, please don't leave." I begged. "Again."

"Can we not talk about this now?" She groaned.

"Fine." I sighed, as I let her exit the kitchen.


"Let's go back-stabber." I hissed at Jennifer.

"Says the girl that ditched her best friend instead of warning him."

"Oh trust me, I would've if I knew. If he would even listen, but sadly he was put under your sad excuse of a love spell."

"It's called seduction." She smirked.

"It's called betrayal." I hissed, slamming her face first onto the ground.


"I still can't believe we're doing this, if Kali finds me, I won't hesitate going after her you know that." I growled.

Derek chuckled. "Yeah, we know."

"Is this necessary?" Jennifer asked gesturing to Stiles holding the bat and Scott staring her down. I smiled.

"Just be happy I'm not pointing my claws at you, oh look, they've appeared on their own. Maybe to make sure they don't accidentally hurt Stiles, Scott, or Derek I should point them at your neck." I tilted my head to the side as I aimed my hand towards her neck.

"Very Funny Danny, I think you've made your point." Derek rolled his eyes, lowering my hand.


And that's all I can remember. I woke up to find Stiles slapping Derek, until he woke up.

"What the hell? I feel like I have the worst hang-over in history." I groaned. "Where's Jennifer?"

I looked around to see we were still in the hospital and lying on the elevator floor.

"She's gone, and she took Scott's mom." Stiles said, looking down.

"Where's Scott?" I asked.

"He left, with Deucalion."

Derek helped me off the ground.

"Come on let's go." He said.

"I'll stay, there's going to be questions, I'll be here to answer them." Stiles said.

We nodded before running outside, the Argents were looking around I limped to the car as Derek talked to them, Isaac was inside.

"Hey, Where's Peter?" I asked.

"He saw the Argents and fled." Isaac explained.

"Hey, he did kill Kate." I sighed.

"It's great to see you, everyone's missed you, well not as much as..." He stopped.

"Not as much as who?" I asked.

"Derek, he's been crying for weeks, very vulnerable, only Ms. Blake was allowed to speak with him, but not even that commonly, she wasn't allowed to actually even visit, just see him once a week." Isaac explained.

"Huh." I mumbled. Derek climbed into the driver's seat and started the car.


We dropped Isaac of at The Argents, and headed to the loft.

"So Isaac told me that you were a wreck without me, that true? Did you cry?" I asked, he looked down and I swore I saw him blush. "Are you....? Is the-? Derek Hale! Are you blushing??!!"

He chuckled.

"Hey you're my best friend I knew you longer than anyone, of course I did." He admitted smiling, I smiled along to, and hugged him.

"God I've missed you." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Did you cry?" He asked.

"Probably the same amount." I admitted. He laughed, before picking me up bridal style and plopping me on the bed, he lie down next to me and we just stared at the ceiling.

"So, tell me about it." Derek said.

I began to tell him everything about living in Le Havre, that it was beautiful, that I missed him. But I fell asleep, but not before hearing:

"You're beautiful."

'But it was definitely nothing.' 

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