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Walking into the cafeteria with Maya we made our way to our usual seats. Some bald headed hoe was in my seat laughing and shit with Omelly and Rihmeek. "So what the fuck is funny?" Maya asked looking at Omelly. Him and Rihmeek turned around to see us. "Why it get quiet?" The girl asked. "Because you're un-fucking wanted at this table" Maya said. "They didn't seem to have a problem with it" She retaliated. "Oh, okay, well sweetheart, I'm Maya, these dumb negroes are taken, and this is Nicki" Maya said. "I didn't ask who you were, I'm Stasia you probably heard of me, I'm known" she said. I died laughing. "Baby, if we don't know you, you're unknown and them just facts" Maya said. "Yo baby chill, she was just chilling" Omelly said. "Oh she was chilling with y'all" Maya asked. "Nah she won't chilling with me bae" Meek said scooting down a chair. "Alright well that shit you sitting on is mines so you gotta move yo ass and now, cause I know you know who the fuck I am" I said finally saying something. "And I can show you who I am lady bug" Maya tagged in. The girl got up rolling her eyes and said bye to Meek and Omelly.

"Yo y'all gotta chill" Omelly said. "Chill my ass I should slap the shit outta yo ass" Maya said shoving him in his face. "Yo chill the fuck out Maya, real shit" Omelly gripped Maya arm and twisted it. Maya slap the fuck outta him with her other hand. "Don't get beat the fuck up" she said. I just laughed. Lord knows I would've decked my nigga in his face repeatedly. Meek just shook his head and started texting people on his phone. I started my own conversation while they were arguing. "Let me see your phone" I told Meek. He shoved it in his pocket. "Yo who the fuck you texting" I said. "Yo lower your voice" he said. "So you talking to other bitches?" I asked. "Nah man. It was Stasia" he said. "So you texting this dumb broad, hold up I know damn well Stasia not one of the bitches you was fucking with" I said with my eyebrow raised. He didn't respond. I decked him his face. The entire table turned our way, Omelly and Maya had stopped arguing and the table got quiet. "What the fuck y'all staring at?" I questioned. Everybody turned away except for Omelly and Maya. "Yo Nic on my timbs Ima bout to smack the shit outta you" he said. "Yo you really bugging and you fucked this bitch and had her in my face shit is foul yo" I said. He placed a napkin on his lip to see it was bleeding. "Yo Nic, I'm finna hurt yo fucking feelings" he said. "Bitch hurt me" I said in his face. "You had the bitch sitting in my seat, in your face, talking and laughing yo, like what the fuck did y'all have to talk about or even laugh about" I said decking him in his face again. "Maya let's go fuck this dumb ass nigga" I said getting up. "Y'all niggas dumb wild" Maya said getting up.

After school let out me and Maya ended up walking to the court. I pulled out some weed and a rello and rolled up. We watched as niggas came and started balling. A lightskin and dark skin nigga approached us. "Yo ma you tryna cop?" The dark skin nigga said. I looked around trying to find his momma. Maya was just laughing hella hard. "What the fuck she looking for?" He asked. "I'm looking for your mama boy" I said rolling up my rello. "Yo she a whole fool" the lightskin nigga said. "She, ma, her, me is Nicki, address me as so" I said lighting it up. "Yo Nicki you tryna cop?" He asked again. "Who am I copping from?" I said inhaling my shits. "Man I'm Rozay and this Gunna" he said. "What you selling Rozay?" I exhaled. "Something I like to call White on Rocks" he grinned. "How much?" I asked. "For you Nicki a pound for $30" he said. I nodded and pulled out $40. "This shit better be like that or I'm running you out your white on rocks" He passed me the bag and Dunna just nodded at us before they left.

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