|| Arc 1.3 ||

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[ ~This is Lucielle's appearance originally. (The body in each different world would look very similar to his original body) ]


|| A/N: I had changed the story's events in the previous chapters so please go back and reread if this chapter doesn't make sense! ||
Extra Story: IRL

Author's Sister: *Reads new changes on Wattpad*

Author's Sister: *Goes to the next room and finds me on the couch eating ice-cream with the TV on*

Author's Sister: Why did you change your story on Watt-pad?

Author: *Stares into sister's eyes intensely*

Author: *Bluntly* I didn't like how it went so I changed Lucielle's character and some of the story.

Author's Sister : *rereads story changes* I guess it's better. . .But Lucielle swears too much.

Author: There is no such thing as too much cussing. Now Please leave me alone, I'm trying to get comfortable on the couch without interruptions.

Author's Sister: Okay then. *Leaves Author all by herself as she relaxes filling herself up with ice-cream*

(Sister's reaction to my changes ^ ^ ^)

[Truth Pills? Why would you need that?]

'You didn't answer my question, Idiot.'

[Ahem, I do but I was just wondering why you need truth pills...]

'It's nothing to important, I just need one' Lucielle bluntly stated avoiding the question that his system asked.

[. . .]

[. . . That will be 1,000 e-points Host]

'. . .That's a lot for a fucking pill, are you sure you aren't ripping me off?' Lucielle was suspicious of the pill's price and questioned Pet.

[I swear it's the real price. . . Host.]

'I'll let you off this time, but if I find out you were ripping me off. . .' Lucielle rolled his eyes inwardly and sighed.

[ The pill is in your storage unit, Host's current balance is 8,500 e-points (1,000 for the pill and 500 for the hacking ability mastery.)]


Purchasing the truth pill, the parents decided that it was time to go home since it was almost the after noon, but before the parents called Christina and Xavier that it was time to go, Lucielle went to go to the bathroom without saying anything. The parents were confused until they say their child went inside the men's restroom down the hall and let him do his business.

Ever since Lucielle was transferred into this world an hour ago, it was natural to say that he wanted to know what he looked like since Xavier had all of the attention rather than Christina. Going inside the bathroom, Lucielle found a mirror next to the doorway and immediately went straight for his reflection.

Once he saw his appearance, Lucielle sighed in relief, he was glad due to the fact that Xavier almost completely had the same appearance that Lucielle had before he had died but just a lot younger. Within the mirror, Lucielle's skin was milky white and looked as smooth as a baby's bottom, while his pale blue eyes would be what people look at first as the color would enchant others into a daze. His lips was almost blood red and would possibly tempt others, overall Lucielle could be called a calamity amongst others. The only thing that separates Lucielle and Xavier was his hair color, it was blonde rather than black.

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