[ Arc 2.11 ]

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With the young girl gritting her teeth and gripping her hands down, Mary watched in astonishment of how close the couple was and how friendly the air was around them. Slowly leaning forward, Mary was wondering if the man, or rather Adonis, was either a nobleman or a commoner, she couldn't tell herself. Even if the mannerism was considered to be quite tamed and as if he were of noble descendant, Mary could not put her finger to it, misunderstood or not, the rage within her was boiling to the view.

Questioning the presence of the other person, while Mary thought that the unfamiliar stranger meant something to the older man, there was a lingering creeping sense in the back of her head. Developing chills down her spine, Mary knew there was something off with the 'girl' in front of 'Adonis' but she could not understand what could've caused this tainted feeling.

'Don't overthink, they may be just family, a cousin perhaps.' Mary attempted to believe with her thoughts but knew there was something going on behind the two near the cottage. With her legs feeling numb from running the distance, something else caught her eye in the moment after the couple has greeted each other with a hug.

Hearing crows from above her, Mary knew that she couldn't stay for any longer as time goes by fast. As the sky grew a shade of pink and purple, the lady decided to head back even when she was tempted to stay longer to watch the two people, leaving with a dark expression with her face while her blood is still boiling.


"Guess what I have, Angel." Eros slowly said to Lucielle as they parted away from the greeting hug which made the young man tilt his head in curiosity while Eros shook whatever he had to tease him.

"Something soft?" Lucielle signed questioningly, moving his hands while the older man glanced down only to smile from his cold gaze before he arrived to the cottage.

"Maybe. Maybe not. " He mentioned when he lifted his arm while the other grabbed the fragile wrist of the gentleman.

Pouting his lips a bit, Lucielle wondered what Eros could've brought to the cottage as his teasing ignited the curious thoughts within his head. 'What could it be?" Lucielle kept on wondering before the man suddenly grabbed his wrist and put his palm up to feel something cold in the middle placed upon it. Shivering from the abrupt contact, Lucielle bit his lip a bit harder only for Eros to do something about it. Placing his thumb across Lucielle's bottom lip, the man had stopped him from biting any further with a little saying of; "Angel, you'll bleed if you bite harder."

"I thought it would be warm in my hand, I thought wrong." Eros said while he brushed the long brown hair of Lucielle behind his ear. Thinking of how long his hair has gotten, Eros wondered if it would be appropriate to either cut his hair or a get a hairtie to tie it up.

Feeling the cold object in his hand, Lucielle begin to uncover of what this item could be. Feeling it around, Lucielle noted how it was something small and circular, with a hole in the middle, there was something in the outside of the item. With an idea clicking in his head, Lucielle soon figured out what this might've been.

"...A ring?" Lucielle slowly brought up? With his hands trembling, his mind went completely blank of any other thoughts he could've brought up as his face went pale white. This quickly alarmed Eros as he viewed the little angel he grew up with turn into the color of a ghostly pale white sheet, limbs stiff from any movement. Lucielle continued to touch the ring before stopping, feeling his body temperature rise, his ears soon went a bright tomato red.

"Angel..?" Eros darkened his eyes while questioning the reaction of Lucielle, fearing of what might come next. Before continuing with his mind racing of a series of thoughts and questions, Eros was met with an unexpected response.

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