|| Arc 1.7 ||

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After sending Christina and Jake away to the Jinn household, the parents had to go to the hospital to receive some medicine from Dr. Florence, that could possibly help Xavier for a little longer. The doctor recommended that the child should be left in the hospital for a while due to the fact that the poison is reacting quickly and is spreading to almost every part of his body.

At first, both parents were hesitant to leave their child contained inside the hospital but had to agree if they wanted their child to live for a little bit longer. Feeling insecure, the father asked the doctor if they could put at least some bodyguards as the doctor felt it was unnecessary, he agreed for the sake of the child. Lucielle thought differently about their decision as he was wondering how he could finish the main mission, but couldn't do anything since the bodyguards were watching 24/7, even if he were to escape the sight of the bodyguards, there were many doctors and nurses in the building.

Giving up hope, Lucielle was given a bit of light after he was notified by the doctor that he only has to endure this for at least three years, and three years to Lucielle wasn't long since he has been in the white space for a lot longer. Although three years may seem long to other people, Lucielle took this opportunity to have some plans and discussions with his lovely system. So after the doctor has left Lucielle alone in the room, Lucielle called out for the system.


Lucielle called out for his system, not using the name was given to the system earlier but the system simply refused to talk, only to be giving up after Lucielle called for the system for who knows how long.

[*Sighs* What is it Host?]

'Ah, finally~ Why didn't you answer me the first time?'

[ . . .I was offline for a little bit...]

'. . . Hmmm, okay~'

[Ahem, what do you need Host?]

'. Well...'

'I was wondering what happened to Christina a while ago~' Lucielle brought this topic due to the fact that he forgot to do so yesterday since he was sleeping. Laying on the hospital bed, Lucielle lazy shifted his head to look at the blank tiled ceiling.

[. . .Christina was caught and exposed along with Jake and was soon sent to the Jinn household.]

Not surprised that Jake was a part of this situation, another subject caught Lucielle within interest.

'The Jinn household? Sounds interesting~ System, can you be a dear and tell me about it?' Lucielle questioned in a weird way and the system felt uncomfortable, but still did it's best to explain, even when Lucielle gave the system some stares. The system swore in its heart that his Host can see right through him, although it sounds quite unreasonable, Lucielle stared as if he knew everything.

[. . . ]

[I'm sorry Host, I don't have the authority to look at the information about the Jinn house...]

'. . . Is that so~'

Amused, Lucielle became quite interested in the Jinn household and its wonders, but had to be investigated after Lucielle gets out of the hospital.

As Lucielle questioned his system some more, his personal time has been interrupted by the loud creak of the door. Turning his head, Lucielle focused on the nurse who came in with a tray, filled with plates of food that came accustomed with a drink, Lucielle remembered that he hasn't eaten yet.

"...Xavier, your parents have left the building and requested some food for you as they left. They plan on coming tomorrow as they had something important to do..." the woman gave information as she placed down the tray on the table next to Lucielle, who looked hesitant at the food.

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