24. Silent Love

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(Image Credit: DirroRonna97 on DeviantArt)

"Here, drink this. You'll feel better."

The rain continued to drizzle as Y/N and Gladion settled inside an old police station, not  too far from the recent accident. The smoke from the Pokemon Center could still be seen from the windows which Nanu quickly noticed. He pulled  down the curtains in hopes of not  to stress the girl any more.

Y/N drank her water quietly as  she and Gladion were surrounded by curious Alolan meowths. One jumped on her lap and settled down comfortably, making the trainer giggle softly.

"...These little things are quite cute,"  Y/N said while petting the pokemon. Nanu nods in agreement. "Yep. I like meowths, they don't care who you are or anything."  He then looks at Gladion whose  eyes were glued down at  the floor ever since they came in. Nanu raises an eyebrow but decided to ignore it so he could move on to the more important  things.

"Okay  you two,"  he began to explain, "here's what's going down. Y/N, I called Professor Kukui to let him know  what happened and to tell him you're okay. Gladion, I could only get hold of the Aether Foundation branch woman, uh...Wicke I think was her name. Anyway, I'll handle all of this  so you guys can go home and rest, especially  you with the Popplio."

They left the police station as the two trainers walked in silence. The raindrops landing on them  made Y/N shiver a bit. She couldn't  help but look back at Po Town, glancing at  the dark smoke as it flew into the grey sky. Gladion, who hasn't  said or done anything unexpectedly blocks her sight with  his hand in front of her face. 

Y/N turns to him surprised. He looked  down at  the ground quietly.

"...Gladion?,"  she questions concerned. He continued to look down however, his hoodie over his head so it was hard to see his face.

"...Just, don't  look over there. Don't  look that way. Please."

She stares at him silently, seeming to have no words. Did he feel...guilty? 

"...G-Gladion, I'm fine. But I'm  more worried about you right now,"  Y/N says in concern. "You haven't  said much recently...or even looked at anyone..."

"...even at me."

The rain continued to drop down, the soft sound of droplets filling the area  around them. Pokemon cries laying over the bushes and routes. Loud yelling could  be heard over at Po Town, something about  taking things seriously. The yelling could  be from Guzma, who knows. But even all these little sounds couldn't  make Gladion say something. Anything.

She continued to look at him, hugging Popplio tightly in her arms. Finally, he looked up at her slowly. His expression seemed lost and apologetic. A bit of sadness too.

"...Y/N, I'm really sorry. I almost...got you hurt,"  Gladion said quietly. "I-I didn't want  to hurt you, I don't  want  to hurt you at all! I wanted to protect you! But I...I....."

"...I think I need to tell you the truth."

She looked at him confused. His face began to blush red. Popplio barked.

"...Y/N, I think...I think I lov-"


Startled they quickly turn around, seeing Sun running towards them. He quickly hugged his  sister worriedly. Gladion looked away irritated.

"Arceus, you have no idea how  worried you made me sis!,"  Sun spoke panicky. They pulled away from each other, Y/N  looking around worried.

"Where is Professor Kukui?,"  she asks. Sun gives her a witty look. "Don't  worry about  that sis. When I first heard what happened at Po Town from his call with a guy named Nanu, I immediately ran over here to see if you and Gladion were safe! Which I'm glad you both are."  Sun grabs her hand gently and grins. "Now then, let's  go  on and head back home or we'll all get a cold soon if we don't leave this place." 

Y/N  nods in agreement but quickly realizes Gladion. She looked towards him as he began to walk away.

"W-wait, Gladion! Didn't  you want  to tell me something?"  He stops in his tracks and turns to her with a small smile.

"...It was nothing Y/N. Just get home safe,"  he responds to her. She looks at him oddly but smiles forgiving at him. They then start  to head their own ways, Gladion walking quietly. He looks up, raindrops landing softly on his tired face.

"...I love you."

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