16. Guzma's Revelation

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(Image Credit: Pokemon Sun and Moon Manga)

(Long Chapter)

Guzma smirks at Gladion's chosen words. He points at Y/N who was  squirming yet struggling under Golisopod's preservation.

"What's  so special about her? She's just a weak pathetic trainer like you said. Sure, she's a cute one but I didn't  think they were your type."  Gladion blushed angrily as Sun glared at both of them disgusted. He turned to his Litten and clenched his teeth. He looked back at Team Skull.

"Enough talking already! Give me back my sister or you're asking for a fight!,"  he shouted. Gladion agreeing with Sun looked at Umbreon with a purposeful manner. Guzma laughs and turns to the excited grunts. "You three! Watch the girl as you watch me beat  these numskulls."  On cue Golisopod releases Y/N but is quickly surrounded by Team Skull. The pokemon then walks in front of Guzma and stares deeply at Litten and Umbreon. He grins evilly.

"A fight it is! Bring it!"

Sun smiles determined. "Litten, Fury Swipes!"  Litten runs towards Golisopod and takes out its sharp claws out of its front paws. Guzma grumbles. "First Impression now!"  The pokemon quickly dashes right in front of Litten which surprises him. Quickly he was struck by Golisopod's claws that seemed like it was invisible. Litten yelps and falls back glaring intensely at it. Sun was also surprised by the sudden attack but slapped his face to focus, leaving red marks on his cheeks.

"Fury Swipes again!"  Litten ran towards Golisopod again in hopes to land an attack this time. Guzma stares at Sun incomprehensible. "Tch, young folks never learn! Liquidation!"  The pokemon then creates a sword of water in between its claws and narrows at  the small pokemon ready to slash. Sun's eyes widen anxiously.

"D-dodge it!"

But it was too late. Litten was slashed by the hard hitting water and thrashed into the ground painfully. Gladion  noticed that Litten has fainted. Everyone noticed too and Guzma started laughing and then shook his head in disappointment.

"And I thought Kukui was bad."  He then turned Gladion while ignoring Sun's crushed self esteem. "It's your turn Gladion! Do you think you can save your girlfriend?"  He groaned with a red face but eager to defeat him at once. He sent Umbreon to battle and at last, Team Skull had a chance to get  their revenge.

"Umbreon, Dark Pulse!"  As the pokemon went  to do its thing, Gladion thought nervously about Golisopod's  strongest attack, First Impression. He knew it couldn't use it due to the move only working every time it was sent out but it still worried him for some reason. Maybe the thought of how strong and terrifying it must be to a pokemon. He snapped out of his thoughts and realized he was loosing. Gladion clenched his fist.

"Keep slowing it down with Dark Pulse!" 

I have to save Y/N. I just have too!

Guzma groaned as Golisopod was being hit several times. "This isn't good,"  he muttered. "I have the type advantage...but damn is this pokemon slow."  Every hit became a problem, Umbreon was just too much of a problem and could take hits too. He knew they would lose somehow and rather than trying, he angrily turned to Team Skull interrupting the battle. He didn't want  to lose in front of them.

"Bring me the girl now!"

Gladion and Sun's eyes widen. The grunts nod and shove Y/N towards Guzma who frowned infuriated. She looked at him cautious as he looked down on her with a grin. Gladion stepped towards them but was  stopped by Golisopod. He cursed under his breath as he stared at Y/N and Team Skull's leader.

"...Tell me,"  Guzma taunted, "why shouldn't I do anything to you or your friends?"  She looked up at him carefully with  her E/C eyes. 


Guzma stared at her impatient. Y/N looked down anxiously. "I...I think that would be terrible."  She looked up at him again this time with more confidence. "...Because if you hurt anyone that I care about, I'm going to beat you myself."  His eyes widen surprised. She continued. 

"...What Gladion said isn't  true. I mean, I don't deserve this Z-Ring, but I'm going to make it work. I'm not weak also, me and Popplio just struggle to learn. You should find me a threat however, because one day I'm going to defeat you and Team Skull!"  After she was done talking, she froze up suddenly.

What am I saying?! There's no way I can beat  this old man! Stupid Gladion making me irritated about calling me weak!

To her surprise however, Guzma chuckled and then turning away from her. He started to walk back to hometown and looked back at  the confused grunts. Everyone was confused. He looked back at Y/N with a smirk.

"...That was all I needed to hear. I like you kid! You have some spirit for sure. Prove blondie here that you ain't weak at all. Come on grunts, let's head back. I'm tired."

And with that, they left  the young  group bewildered but relief (with the grunts complaining.) Sun turned to his  sister impressed as Gladion looked away with worried thoughts in his head.

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