Dinner Date

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|Ocha's POV|
Me and Deku woke up around 7 or 8 clueless of the day ahead, our best chance was to sit and discuss what to do today.
As I laid face down on my bed Deku kept writing things on his phone. Eventually it died and he settled for invisible notes which I found hilarious.
About a minute later he started blushing like crazy
"Deku? You ok?"
"I h-have an i-idea" he stated as if it would be the answer to my question
"What is it? Every idea from you is a great idea!" I said as I smiled brightly hoping to give him the confidence he needs to speak up and tell me his idea.

"U-uraraka, will you go on a date with me tonight?"

"W-whaatttt???" I asked, I never expected him to ask me out today, although I can't refuse since I DO wanna go on a date so before he can take it back and freak out I agree, and we settle to the internet before heading down stairs for break fast.

"Ochako! Midoriya! Good morning!" Said Mina as she and Tsu waved to us from the couch, to which I waved back. "Mornin' Mina, mornin' Tsu!" I said before heading to the kitchen with Deku, we talked a bit about what to eat before settling on eggs and the available Turkey Bacon in the fridge.

After a couple seconds of me sitting in the counter waiting for Deku to finish Mina walks over to me with a sly smile as Tsu argues that it's 'a terrible idea' and that they shouldn't 'mess with her process'

"What's a terrible idea?" I ask as I tilt my head to side in confusion.

"Did you have fun with Midoriya last night?~" She asks in a teasing tone

"E-EH?" She soon erupts into laughter "hah! Girl your so easy to fluster!" She paused "especially when it comes to Midoriya~" she whispered turning me into a human tomato that made the object that the writer was too lazy to describe jealous.

I went towards Deku to try to avoid Mina's teasing, shouldn't have told her about my crush but hey she was just gonna push if I didn't

|time skip so I can upload this amazingly short chapter|

As me and Deku got dressed and ready for our date we quickly snuck out after getting permission from Mr. Aizawa to leave, sneaking because we didn't want our classmates to find out.

Deku's reason being Bakugou and Mineta and mine being a list of people.
Iida, he would be VERY strict about it even though he would try to respect out privacy, probably would give me and Deku 'the talk' tho, which would be very embarrassing 
Mineta, for obvious reasons
Momo, would talk about INTERCOURSE like it was a normal thing and I would die of flustered-ness.

As we got out of UA I finally got a good look at Deku, he was looking so hot in his white shirt that says 'T-Shirt' and Black jeans that look like they where made to be worn comfortably at a wedding, wedding clothes are uncomfortable as they are so it would make sense someone would think of that.

He smiles at me and blushed, probably for the same reason I am blushing.

I'm wearing a pink dress that goes right under my knees and red half heels to go with them, probably the nicest outfit I own. Worth it for a date with Deku.

|time skip to the restaurant to I can post this already|

Our walk comes to an end when we reach our stop, a fancy restaurant called 'Katsu-paradise' (my baby loves his Katsudon) "Deku, you really didn't have to you know!" I say a light pink dusting my cheeks, "w-well I just thought I should make my first date special" he said nervous as ever as we walked in the restaurant.

Deku informed the waiter of our reservation and we where seated outside on a couple's table.
"So this is your first date?" I ask trying to stir up a conversation with my boyfriend
Boyfriend... I could get used to calling him that
"Yeah! I'm glad it was you though.." he trails off "well It's mine too!" I inform "really? You'd think someone would have asked a girl as beautiful as you out already" he says as a blush forms around his face.
Before I could embarrass my self with whatever reply the writer couldn't come up with the waiter shows up and gives us our menus.

My face swirled into a small frown as I looked at the prices, everything looked appetizing but it was way too pricey for my liking.

Deku seems to have noticed my face expression and understood what was bothering me "it's my treat so feel free to order whatever you want!" He said as he smiled to me and looked back to the menu, but I wasn't gonna give in.

"No way! We're splitting the bill!" I say frustration slipping into my voice as I failed to keep it out, Deku took quick notice if my frustration and came back with a suggestion "then how about a couple dish?" He asked "a what?"
"A meal that's supposed to be shared by a couple" he explains "ahh! Ok"

|I'm so sorry for the time skips but the chapter is longer than I thought it would be so yay?|

After we finish our meal we split the bill as promised and head out, I hold his hand and smile.
He blushed at the contact but intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked.

A few people where giving us looks, I mean 16 year olds where walking around cuffed and holding hands, I can only imagine how weird we looked. Others smiled at us after recognizing us from the fight with Chisaki and the sport's festival.

"Where to?" I ask as I recognize the route to his mom's house.
"I was hoping beach" he says his eyes locked on the way ahead

|EVERYBODY SAY NO. N- oh hey there! Yeah I finally finished this chapter! Anyway thx for the support sorry if I seem like I don't wanna write this, recent events in my life have been... distracting to say the least...|

|next time|

All of a sudden she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss, I gladly returned it as this one was more passionate than the ones before. I get another glamorous idea for a move and put one hand on her waist and the other cupping her cheek.

I then lick her lips asking for entry, which she hesitantly agreed to, I explored every inch of her mouth leaving nothing untouched.



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