The Cast

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Celebriel Laurelin:  The unexpected child, or, as some of the Nolder said, Galadriel's folly. Elves did not often bear children if they expected to be separated for a long period of time, yet Galadriel chose to conceive a child in spite of this. 

Some said, she was supposed to be a son who would someday engage in the War against the Enemy and avenge the death of Gil-Galad. Others said Celebriel chose her own destiny, even in her mother's womb.

She was born in Lorinand (Lorien) as the war against the enemy drew to a close. She drew her first breath as Elendil and Gil-Galad breathed their last, and newborn as she was, felt some of their spirits passing into her. 

Even as a child she preferred boy's games, and when she grew older took to learning to use the weapons of the elves: Bow, spear, and sword. She had no patience for womanly pursuits and refused to learn to weave and spin. Soon her skills were put to the test, and Amroth of Lorinand allowed her to join his armies and keep watch on Lorinand's fences, for danger was ever near.

This was what she had been born for, she knew, to protect her beloved Lorinand. As as the years passed, she realized more might await her, more than she could even guess.

And then one day she is told that she must leave her beloved home, and dwell in Imladris, a place she has only visited once. She does not know what awaits her there, and when Amroth tells her he is making her his heir she is more reluctant than ever to leave.

She does not know this yet, but a great adventure is about to open up for her, and things await her that are beyond her wildest dreams.

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Galadriel: The White Lady of the Noldor, residing in Lorinand for a time with her husband the Lord Celeborn of the Teleri. They have dwelt together since Galadriel defied the ban of the Valar and migrated with the elves led by Feanor in pursuit of the jewels stolen by the enemy. Now the waters have covered Beleriand, the Second Age has passed, and she, Celeborn, and her daughter Celebrian wait out the war and the birth of her child.

She has taken a great risk making this decision, not only is the world in peril, but this child has been conceived while she wore the ring, Nenya. Galadriel is a ring bearer, one of the three who wears the elven rings that have not been touched or sullied by Sauron. Sauron ever searches for the wearers of the rings, but they are worn by those who are aware of him and can shield themselves from his thoughts.

Lord of the Rings:  The Heir to LorienWhere stories live. Discover now