Legolas and Thranduil

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When I last left Celebriel, she was being greeted by Thranduil, welcoming her to the Greenwood. I have an idea of where I am taking this, and while I don't know if this will be a series, I plan to stretch the story out over the Third Age. This has been in the works for a long time, and I've thought/out and written several scenarios. My original notes are lost and not retrievable.

While this may seem at the moment like a "Legolas love story", it's not. I could put in a spoiler here, but won't.

Thranduil smiled to himself, pleased at the impression he seemed to have made on Celebriel. He ordered chairs brought for her and his son and ordered wine be served to the weary travelers.

He studied her carefully, noting that she seemed a little tired and thin but her ordeal—if it could be called that—had barely affected her. He tried to probe her mind but discovered he could not, she had somehow learned to prevent others from seeking out her thoughts.

"Now, Celebriel," he said, sounding his most benevolent, "What is it that I can do for you? Why have you left Imladris and sought out my kingdom in the Greenwood?"

Her answer came quicker than he supposed, "I wish to take refuge here until such time as I return to Lorinand. I do not how long that will be but I do not wish to impose upon your hospitality any more than is necessary. And I would make myself useful to you, if I can, I have been well trained by the elves of Lorinand and was amongst those who kept watch upon its fences. I cannot abide idleness, my lord, I am not happy unless I am making myself useful."

"Come, come, Celebriel," Thranduil said, "You must not be so formal. We are kindred, so formalities are not necessary. You need not call me 'my lord', for your rank is at least equal to mine. You may call me 'Thranduil', or even 'Uncle' if you wish. We are family here, my child, and you must now consider yourself a member."

Legolas stared at his father, amazed. Thranduil was shrewd and clever, he had learned to appreciate the workings of his father's mind, and wondered now what he was up to. It was clear that he intended to keep the girl here for as long as he could, but why? Celebriel wished to return to the Golden Wood as soon as she could. Spring was coming and soon she could make her way to Lorinand in relative safety. Did his father intend to provide an escort for her so that she could make her journey in safety?

Thranduil now tried a different tactic, for Celebriel was not responding to his overtures, or so it seemed. "Can you tell me why you left the safety of Imladris to seek such a dangerous journey on your own? Was Lord Elrond aware that you had left?"

She looked up, startled, and he realized he was close to the truth. The girl had left Imladris on her own, telling no one. He was sure they were searching for her, but most likely the search was concentrated on the road to Lorinand. No doubt there would be a representative from Imladris appearing soon, but he wanted to know how he should handle this. Should he hand the girl over to them, or give her shelter here?

Her green eyes met his grey ones, no guile in them. "I was not, I am not, happy among the Noldor, it does not matter that they are my kin. I am the daughter of Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel, this is true, but I was raised amongst the wood elves of Lorinand. I am more comfortable speaking the Silvan tongues than I am Sindarin, though I have been taught both it and Quenya. The Noldor have never been welcome by the elves of Lorinand, but they consider me one of their own."

"Right now I cannot risk the journey back there, that is the first place that Elrond will have them look for me. As you said, I am sure that someone from Imladris will be arriving here soon, but I beg you, please do not betray my presence. If you will not shelter me here, then I must leave. I can live in the wilderness if I have to, I have been well taught and I know how to survive."

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