Beloved Daughter

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Celebriel began to settle into life in the Greenwood. Legolas had ceased his overtures towards her, at least for now, but he seemed to be ever present. If she minded, she did not yet know. She also became aware that she was never alone, that not far off someone was watching her. Did Elrond have her followed? Had someone always been there she was not aware of?

But gradually she became used to it and accepted it. A prisoner she might be, but at the same time, Thranduil treated her as a beloved daughter, perhaps the daughter he wished for but never had. Gifts came her way, clothing, a bow much like that of Legolas and a quiver of arrows to match. If she wondered at Thranduil's generosity she decided not to give it much thought.

She had also acquired a status that was strange to her. She came to realize that she was considered royalty because of her connections to the Noldor. She did not wish for this, she did not ask for it, but if she was treated with deference, it was a different kind than in Imladris.

And as a princess of the Greenwood, Thranduil gifted her with jewelry, jewelry that she could see was old and she wondered where it came from. One day she was wearing a magnificent necklace of emeralds and pearls that Thranduil had given her that morning. She was looking at it, admiring the luster of the pearls when Legolas stopped her.

"That belonged to my mother," he said and reached out to touch it.

"I'm sorry," she said, "Perhaps I should not wear it, I'll give it back to your father.

"No," he replied, "Don't do that, you don't need to do that. The necklace suits you, the color almost matches the color of your eyes. I am sure it made him happy to give it to you." He touched her cheek briefly and smiled.

He started to leave but she said his name. "Legolas, could you do a favor for me?"

"If I can," he said and smiled, "What is it you wish?"

"I'm growing restless, I feel too confined here. Until I came to Imladris I loved open spaces. In Lorinand I spent most of my time in the woods. I would dearly love to see the countryside around here. I see boats coming and going on the river, they must be going somewhere. I'd like to see what's beyond your father's caverns. I heard there's a town that does a lot of trade with the wood elves—can I see it? Winter is breaking up and the weather is warming. Could you show me, please?"

"I will ask, and I think he will say yes. Perhaps if you are away for a while you will not constantly look over your shoulder every time we receive visitors. There has been no one from Imladris asking after you for a while. One thing, we must wait one more month before we go so that we can be sure the weather will be warmer, not so wet and cold as it is now."

The next day came the visit she dreaded, another emissary from Elrond. She received him because she could not bring herself to be discourteous and refuse.

He knelt before her, "Lady, I am sent from the Lord Elrond to inform you that the Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel are coming to stay in Imladris. I have been told to ask if you will not come to Imladris to see them."

Suddenly the desire to see her parents came over her, but she was not yet ready to forgive them. "No, I will not come to Imladris now. I am happy to hear that they have left Lorinand, for they were not welcome there. I am sure that the elves of the Golden Wood will be glad to them and their court gone. Tell Elrond I am happy here and have no wish to leave. I will see my parents again, someday, in the meantime, I have not forgotten that they took me away from my home."

The messenger stood and bowed. "I will relay your words, my lady, but your answer will not be satisfactory."

"It is the only answer I wish to give," she said and Legolas came from behind her and put his arm around her shoulders.

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