To Escape Imladris

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Winter dragged on, or so it seemed to Celebriel. More travelers came to take refuge from the winter weather in Imladris before resuming their journeys in the spring. At times Imladris seemed crowded with strangers speaking strange languages and Celebriel wondered how Elrond could find room for them all.

But winter did not last forever, and eventually, the snow began to melt, causing the waters of the Bruinen (*the Loudwater) to swell, as undoubtedly was happening to the Celebrant in Lorinand. The Men and Women who had taken refuge in Elrond's house began to leave and continued their journeys to the west or east.

Celebriel had not wasted her time and occupied herself with studying the maps on the walls, and what she could glean from Elrond's study. She'd made careful copies, leaving out no detail. If she could not ride out into the Wildlands, at least she could use the maps for reference. Her efforts would come in handy one day.

Even though she had the visit of Gandalf to look forward to, she continued to be unhappy in Imladris and wanted to leave—badly. The only question was, could she do it on her own?

And if she did manage to leave, where would she go? She was homesick, badly homesick, for Lorinand, but that was where she would be expected to flee, and therefore she could not go. And she knew she must seek refuge among her own kind, she had too little experience of men to seek their company. And there were many men who were allies of Elrond, and who knows? They might send her back. Wherever it was, it must be far enough away from Imladris, yet not so far that she could not make the journey on her own.

There was only one logical place: the Lasgalen (*The Greenwood, which became known as Mirkwood). It was a risk, but Thranduil was kin through her father Celeborn, and perhaps he would welcome her. She had yet to see any of the wood elves come to Imladris or emissaries received by Elrond from Thranduil. Though there was no open enmity, the Silvan elves had little love for the High Elves. Maybe Thranduil would agree to give her sanctuary and not notify either Elrond or her family in Lorinand. If she could talk him into it.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, she thought. This is a risk, but a calculated one. I've studied the maps and I think I can find my way, I've made drawings to carry with me so I know the landmarks. I know where the passes are, and so far we've heard no news of orcs making themselves openly known. Besides, a lone traveler draws less attention than a group. And I'm not afraid to travel on my own—well, maybe that's not quite true, but I will have to do it someday and why not start now?

I've been well taught, I've had good teachers. Haldir would soon be sending me out on my own, so maybe now's the time to start. My biggest danger will come from here—what if they decide to track me? If I go to the Las Galen will they follow my trail there, or will they automatically look for me on the road to Lorinand? I need to find a way to buy time and keep them off my trail, somehow, I just don't know if I can do this successfully. Why oh why did I let myself be persuaded to come here in the first place.

But when can I leave? I have to wait until the floods subside somewhat. There is a bridge over the Bruinen, and I'll use it if I can, rather than ford the river. I can carry dried fruits and bread, and maybe a flask of miruvor. I can survive by hunting, as long as there is game to be found. I'll need to carry oats for Ariel because outside of what new grass and plants we find, there won't be much for her to eat.

The biggest wrench would be sending Ariel back to Imladris when she reached the mountains. It would be rough going there for a horse, and she would not subject her beloved mare to harm. She knew that Ariel could find her way back to Imladris on her own, and with minimal risk of harm. Like it or not, the last part of her journey would have to be made on foot.

When would be the best time to leave, she wondered? The days were growing longer, albeit slowly, and as they did the weather became warmer. She wanted to leave before the Solstice because during the long days and moonlit nights it would be harder for her to leave unnoticed. She had learned the ways of Imladris and knew there were secret paths that led in and out that only the elves knew, and those hidden ways she would utilize to make her escape.

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