Moon Over Lorinand

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Celebriel appeared at the mid-day meal clad in a gown of emerald green, bordered with gold. Her hair was pulled back and tied with a gold ribbon, and a gold belt encircled her waist. In her green and gold gown, she seemed as bright as the first leaf of spring, shining among the rest of the more somberly-clad elves and men that sat at Elrond's table.

Or so it seemed to Gandalf. Being the daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel he had expected her beauty, but he had not been prepared for the surprise that had been Celebriel. She paid scant attention to her looks and did not behave like  a lady of the Noldor, and found nothing wrong in it. He felt sorry for Glorfindel, loving Celebriel for herself would be easy, but he was clearly infatuated with her and she did not or could not reciprocate.

Quite possibly she was not ready to know love. She was young and if Glorfindel was patient she might someday yield her heart to him. No doubt the Lord and Lady would not be ready yet for her to take a husband and leave their home. He was surprised that she had been sent to Imladris, but he knew it would be only for a good reason.

After the meal, the company adjourned to the Hall of Fire for what elves loved best, to listen to songs and poetry. She sat next to Celebrian and Arwen, and for a while seemed content, then when next he looked, he found she was gone.

He excused himself quietly and left the room. He walked over to a balcony that overlooked the gardens and saw a figure standing and gazing up at the moon. He knew by instinct who it was and made his way down to the gardens.

She spoke first, not even turning to look at him. "The moon is too small. The moon in Lorinand is lazy and fat and fills the sky with its light. Here it seems that it is no larger than a pebble, and sheds no light in this cold sky." She clutched her fur-trimmed cloak more closely about herself. "Why do people in the north live so willingly in this cold? I miss the gentle warmth of Lorinand and spending the night in the trees with my companions on the borders. Even the trees here are cold and unfriendly. I want to go home."

"Winter is not forever, young elf. It is different here, yes, but wait until it snows! It will blanket the land in sparkling white and lend it a strange beauty that the southern lands never see. And spring follows winter, and the leaves will return to the trees, and the plants and flowers will waken from their long sleep. Summer will follow and the land will be glad."

"And then will come autumn, followed by winter, and I will still be here, not by my will but by that of others," her tone was unexpectedly harsh, but he understood. "I am young, but I am no longer a child, even by the standards of my people. If I were not the daughter of the Lord and Lady, I would be allowed to follow my own will. Come spring, I would be able to wander the woodlands alone if I wished, but that will not please Lord Elrond or my sister." She sighed and lowered her head, "For the first time in my life it is not acceptable for me to be who and what I am. I avoided the company of the Noldor as much as I could in Lorinand. If I ever wondered why I do no longer."

"I have told you before, Celebriel, you must be willing to be flexible and try to find your happiness here for now. I doubt that Elrond or Celebrian or anyone else for that matter can turn you into something that you are not. The day will come when you can leave of your own volition, surely you know that. Do not look upon this as punishment, for I am sure that is not the intention. If you are to lead Lorinand someday..."

"I must learn how to be a leader," she finished for him, "I suppose I may find myself less constrained eventually. But Gandalf," he noticed she did not call him "Mithrandir" as the other elves did, "I worry for Lorinand. My land is small and vulnerable, so close to Mordor though we do not speak of it. I do not know if it ever will be invaded, but I would feel better if I were there to help watch over it. What is it that we say, 'the Enemy only sleeps'? My greatest fear is that someday he will waken."

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