The Enemy in the Forest

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Celebriel breathed a sigh of relief when they reached the clearing where their horses waited patiently. All she wanted to do was be free of this Mirkwood, as she now thought of it, with its black shadows, smoke, and the aura of an evil presence.

The party started to head back to Thranduil's realm, but after a while, Celebriel started to turn off and began to ride away from the party. Legolas brought his horse to her side, grabbing hold of her reins.

"What are you doing?" he demanded, "Why are you trying to leave?"

"Amroth has to be warned," she answered simply as if surprised that he had to ask, "There is a ford at Rhosgobel and I will cross the river there then approach Lorinand from the North. Lorinand must be warned, the sooner the better."

"Do you not think Amroth knows, or at least suspects?" Legolas asked, "Even from Lorinand he must be aware of what is going on across the river."

"But he has not seen what we saw, there is a great evil growing that will threaten my beloved home. I will go to Amroth and tell him what we saw."

"Celebriel it is too dangerous, surely you know this? Father will send messengers to Amroth and let him know what is brewing. We have hidden paths that will us from the Greenwood to Lorinand that you do not know about." He saw the look of dismay and defiance on her face, so he softened his voice, "Please, there are those who can make this journey more easily than you. We will tell Father what we saw and he will make sure that Amroth is told. Come, the sooner we return home the sooner this can be accomplished."

"But that means precious time lost. He needs to know now, every minute may count. I have to warn him." She had no wish to give in but was growing unsure of herself.

He sighed. "I do not wish to do this, but I will bind your hands and lead your horse myself if that is what it takes. I am not going to let you ride into danger. Think, Celebriel, if the enemy had wanted to invade Lorinand it would have done so. There is nothing we can do, for now. We have learned what he—or one of his minions—is up to, that is more than we knew before. You could be killed, or even worse, kidnapped. Please be reasonable."

She lowered her head and sighed. Returning to Thranduil's realm was the last thing she wished to do. She wanted to cross the Anduin at the Rhosgobel ford, then ride south to Lorinand. She could take back her place in Amroth's guard and resume her watch upon the borders. She could go home, at long last, return to the people that she loved most.

If she were alone she could do this but she was a member or Thranduil's household now and out of respect she must defer to Legolas, though the cost was her pride. Perhaps the time would come when she should leave the Greenwood and return to Lorinand—her birthplace, her birthright, and her home. There was clearly a threat that was coming but the elves would be able to do nothing but keep a watch on the Dark Tower. She did not want to disappoint Legolas or Thranduil but even though they had provided a refuge for her but the time was coming when she would have to leave.

Legolas watched her, seeing the conflicting feelings that displayed themselves on her young face. She still possessed the rashness of youth, she had yet to grow and mature and acquire the wisdom that would come with age. He had been young and eager once but time had taught him patience—and how to discern when action was appropriate or it was time to wait.

You are young, Celebriel, he thought, I cannot make you understand what you will come to see as you get older. I pity your having been wrenched from your home, and I know that behind this is the chance to return to Lorinand and your friends. But now is not the time.

"Come," he told her, "Let us go home. There is more to learn than we have discovered. We do not even know who, or what is responsible. I know it is hard for you but you must be patient."

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