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Mr. Styles is a dick-face.

He's always grumpy and never has fun. He tries to hard to be funny and ends up failing epically. To Louis, Mr. Styles seems to hate his life and those in it for no reason at all.

It wasn't his fault that his teacher wasn't getting enough action.

Just the other day, Mr. Styles scolded Drew for standing up in class to fix his hanging jeans.

"This is not a dressing room, Mr. Welts," Mr. Styles had stated.

"Well these are shorts," the boy tried to argue.

"I don't care what they are. My classroom is not a runway. Please sit down and pay attention."

What a douche, right?

But that wasn't anything compared to how Mr. Styles handled Louis when he got in trouble.

You see, Louis likes to play with his Rubik's cube and he is actually quite good at it. So he plays with it constantly. Flipping and turning, checking and re-checking, Louis played with it in every class no matter who the teacher.

It was his cube and he could do whatever he wanted with it. Nobody could tell him different.

"Louis Tomlinson, please tell me where the word 'eyeball' comes from," Mr. Styles asked, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed over his chest.


What this on the homework?

"Einstein?" Louis answered in question.

"Not even close. The correct answer is: Shakespeare," Mr. Styles looked at Louis, "If you would pay more attention in my class, maybe you'd start learning something."

Other students looked at each other as Louis turned a dark shade of red and slumped farther in his seat.

"What a dick, right?" Niall asked Louis in a whisper.

"Right," Louis simply replied, pulling his Rubik's cube out if his jacket pocket. he began to twist and turn the sides, biting his lip when he screwed up and needed to find another way to solve it.

"Mr. Tomlinson, please hand me your cube. I will take it for the rest of the day and you can get it later," Mr. Styles said, reaching out his hand.

Louis ignored him.

"Mr. Tomlinson, please."

And Louis ignored his teacher longer.

"Just give me the damn cube and we won't have any problems."

Louis smirked, tossing the finished cube to Mr. Styles, "Alright, sir."

Louis really hated his teacher.

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