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It was getting closer and closer to the month of May and that scared the shit out of Louis.

This was it.

He had only a few weeks left of school before he was done and graduated and out of this god forsaken town. He would be able to walk down the streets holding Harry's hand without it possibly being illegal. He'd be able to do anything and everything with Harry. He'd play college ball and he'd get good grades and he'd make something of himself. Most importantly, he would prove his father wrong.

God, the day Louis graduates college will be the day he laughs straight in his father's face and yells, "I told you so!" And boy, oh boy did Louis dream about that day. But there were still things he needed to handle before then and he really hoped they all worked out.

"What will happen after?" Louis asked randomly, sitting on the kitchen counter next to the oven.

"After what?" Harry asked in reply. He stood at the stove in his own kitchen (thank God he finally got out of Ed's apartment, he didn't need more sexual jokes in his life), cooking dinner for the two of them.

"What happens after I graduate? We'll...we'll still date, right? Like, long distance or something?"

Harry had to admit that he liked it when Louis got confused. He liked the way Louis' eye brows would furrow and he'd bite his lip just a little bit, trying to figure things out. He was adorable in every way, "of course we'll continue our relationship. Long distance or not, I love you, and I'd give anything to stay with you. Hell, I'd even move to be closer to you if I could."

Louis smiled, "for sure?"

"For sure," Harry grinned. He set down the spatula and went over to Louis, "I would move mountains for you, my love."

"You have to be the cheesiest person I have ever known," Louis teased, leaning in to kiss his beautiful boyfriend as Harry put his hands on Louis' waist, smiling into the kiss.

"You're just jealous of my mad flirting skills."

"You are an idiot," Louis laughed, playfully slapping Harry's arm, "but I love it."


As Louis' graduation date came closer and closer, he started to get extremely panicked when he hadn't heard from any colleges or universities regarding his enrollment.

"There's still nearly two months left. It takes time for them to do that stuff, Louis. You'll get in," Harry reassured as they hung out in his classroom. Harry sat at his desk grading papers, as usual as Louis tried not to break down.

"I know, it's just that--"

"Before you even think of saying you're not good enough, you're wrong. I might just fail you if you try to come up with an argument."

"I'm worried, Harry," Louis admitted, "I just, I don't want to end up like my dad, you know? I don't want to find myself so...so broken. And I thought that if I get a scholarship, if I get into college, if I get to play college  ball, then maybe I won't end up on that broken path. But, Harry, I'm so worried. I'm so scared. I-I fear everyday that I'll end up like him and I just don't want to."

Harry stood and wrapped Louis in his arms, "you aren't like him. You aren't. You're strong and kind and unbelievable. You're funny and stunningly handsome and you make me smile. You don't need to worry. You're okay. You're better than him, you're way better than him, you are."

"I just wish a letter would come already. I can't stand waiting."

"Hmm, that reminds me, do you want me to make reservations for dinner after graduation or would you rather wait?"

Louis laughed a bit, "I wouldn't mind waiting with you. You make things entertaining."

"Don't you just love the little games I create?"

"Yes, I especially like the game where we make up stories about the people eating dinner. They don't even know that we're talking about them and their made up, yet very possible, fetishes."

Harry smiled, "you know, you'll make a great author some day."

"You think?"

"I know. You already show such a unique style that publishing companies will see and want to buy. You'll do great. Plus, you always have me to help you out if you need it."

"You'll all I'll ever need," Louis smiled.

In that moment Louis knew he was happy. He knew that he had found the one thing that could make him smile. Harry made him feel like life was just a little less shitty and that's really all he could ask for. He loved this man. He loved him that it almost came to him as a surprise when he thought of how everything worked out. But he knows that he wouldn't take anything back. To think that this all started with some cube. Some stupid Rubik's Cube that Harry will try time and time again to solve but never will completely.

Something so simple changed everything in Louis' life and he couldn't be more grateful.



A.N. The last chapter will be up in a few short hours. :) Thanks so much for sticking around to read this story. It means a lot to me to have such supportive readers and fans. Love you all! -M

(Edit: the last chapter will be updated 20/10/14 as I have been working on homework and won't be able to update tonight.)

DEDICATED TO: @allmustfall for their hilarious comments on this story and their love for Larry and Castiel/Destiel. :)

ON THE SIDE: "Send Me On My Way" -Rusted Root is just a song that gets stuck in my head a lot and I like very much.

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: Do you have a dream car / what is a special feature you would add to a car you want?

STORY QUESTION: Why does Louis fear being like his father? 

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