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You and Pan had decided to continue the rest of the plan together so the rescue group would know you were working together.

You teleported to the side of the island they were on and found Hook sat on a log drinking. Surprise, surprise. Pan cleared his throat getting Hook's attention, he turned to look at the two of you.

"You really should've taken my deal," Pan glared at him.

"It doesn't look like I need your help with Emma after all, mate." Hook smirked looking pleased with himself.

"You think that kiss actually meant something?" you asked gesturing with your thumb over your shoulder. You hadn't really seen their kiss, Peter had just told you about it.

"I do," Hook nodded, "I think she's started seeing me for the man I really am."

"What?" Pan scoffed, "A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem?" You sniggered at his comment and the look on Hook's face. "I'm no grown-up, but I' pretty sure that's less than appealing."

"Funny, you've marked her like a grown-up," Hook retorted pointing to the hickeys that covered your neck. You laughed and Pan smirked, "I just know how to treat my queen." You smiled widely hiding your face from Hook.

"Anyway," Hook changed the subject quickly, "I'm a man of honour."

"So tell me," Pan said kneeling down next to Hook, "What would a 'man of honour' like yourself do with a big, fat secret?"

"Um," Hook sighed, "Well, that depends on what the secret is."

"Baelfire," you said leaning against a tree with your arms crossed, "Neal, whatever name he goes by these days. The guy Emma loves, Henry's father."

"What of him?" Hook asked quickly standing up, "He's dead."

"No." Pan corrected him, "I'm afraid not, he's alive." Hook's face dropped, "And that's not even the best part." Peter started to back away from Hook and you followed him smirking.

"He's on Neverland," you informed him.

"Is he?" he breathed.

"Oh, yes," Pan confirmed, "Can you believe it? I'm sure Emma would love to know that Henry's father is still alive. But I'd hate to get in the way of a budding romance. So I'll leave it up to you, to tell her or not."

"Let's see what kind of man you really are," you smirked before following Pan out the clearing and away from a conflicted Hook.

You walked back to the camp side by side. "What do you think he will do?" he asked.
"He won't tell," you said surely glancing at him.

"What makes you say that?" he asked looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"No man would tell the woman he loves that her old lover is alive knowing that she would go back to him," you explained matter-of-factly.

"I know I wouldn't," he agreed looking you up and down, "But no one would touch you with those." He pointed to the hickeys he made on you last night, you blushed and looked at the ground making him laugh.

At that moment you arrived at the Swinging tree, at least that's what you called it. It was the tree where Pan kept all his prisoners.  A few older Lost Boys, some trusted members from your group, Felix and Ayra were stood around a wooden cage that was on the floor in the middle of them.

"How's our guest?" Pan asked Felix.

"We drugged him, he'll be out for a few hours," Felix replied calmly.

"Where do you want him?" Ayra asked looking at you, her hood was up just like Felix's was, they looked like a mysterious couple.

"Hang him up," Pan responded to her, "Over there, next to the other one." You, Felix and Ayra looked over at the other wooden cage swinging in the tree. He chuckled turning away as the lost boys and your girls started to hoist up the cage, he laced his fingers with yours and pulling you with him.

"What happens next?" You asked eager to know the next step in fulfilling Peter's plan. "I'm going to pay a little visit to Rumple, wanna come?"

You contemplated his offer, "As long as it's entertaining."

"I better make it fun then," he chuckled, "Then after that, I'm taking you on a date."

"A date?" You questioned your voice rising slightly higher.

"Yep," he nodded, "I think it's about time you were treated. Remember the dates we used to have?"

A memory filtered to the front of your head and you smiled. He chuckled at your excited and childlike expression.

"Won't that interrupt with the plan though?" You asked your smiled fading slightly.

"Course  not," he shook his head squeezing your hand, "You're more important to me than the plan."

You grinned widely and looking down at the floor so he wouldn't see you blushing. Suddenly a burning pain started attacking your body but you continued smiling so he wouldn't realise you were hurting. "I gotta go and see Rumple do you want to come?"

"No, I'm actually kinda tired I'm going to back and sleep," you lied.

"That's alright, I'll see you later." He kissed your forehead gently then teleported to go and meet Rumple.

You walked back into the camp where the boys were doing their own thing and your girls were in small groups talking amongst themselves. You entered Pan's tent and a dizzy feeling added to the pain.

You grabbed a chest of draws to hold yourself up and closed your eyes to stop the dizziness. Then the burning feeling a spread around your whole body, it was the same burning feeling you had gotten when you first got magic.

You stumbled over to the bed and collapsed onto it holding your stomach in one hand and your head in another.

What caused this agony you were now in?

Why were you feeling like this?

You didn't know the answers to these questions yet but you had a bad feeling about it. The pain spiked again and you wanted nothing more than Pan to come back and comfort you. You knew he would have some idea as to why you were feeling like this. Hopefully.

A common misconception about you and Pan was that you were the more powerful so you knew everything there was to know about magic and how to use it. The truth was you had no idea, just like when you first got it. Pan had been helping you since the start and he still helped you now. He was slowly educating you in the field of magic and how to properly use it, you seriously hoped he had something that could help this pain. It was almost unbearable.     

Heya guys, I had an idea what might change the whole path of the story and, right now, I don't know if I'm going to add it in yet. Put your opinions in the comments.

I wonder what the pain is about? I guess you will find out next update ;)
Thank you for reading,
Lotta love AFG

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